Repairing Volume by Hot Swapping*

Synology Server provides hot swapping function. When you need to replace
crashed disks in Synology Server, you don’t need to turn off the server. You can
refer to the disk status on the management UI, or the front panel LED indicators
to identify crashed disks, and directly pull out the hard disk tray to replace the
crashed disk with a new one. Then follow the steps on management UI to repair
the degraded volume right after replacing the hard disk.
Joining Windows Domain*
You can add Synology Server to Windows domain and let the domain users
access the Synology Server. Synology Server supports Active Directory Service
(ADS) domain. After adding the Synology Server to a Windows domain, you can
go to the "Privileges > Shared Folder" page to assign the domain users’
privileges of shared folders on the server. When domain users access the
Synology Server, they only need to enter their domain account and password,for
For the detailed description, please refer to Help on “Network Services >
Win/Mac OS” page.
* Supported on specific models only. Please refer to the product