Usually a tripod is recommended for taking landscape
images with a smaller aperture to achieve greater depth of
field and a polarizer as well as a 2-stop neutral-density
graduated filter that cut out more light and lower your
shutterspeed even further. But VC allows you to capture the
details and the rich, deep colors of the landscape being
reflected in the lake at sunrise.
Leave the luxury of room service behind and head into the wild for the last leg of your road trip,
where you’ll ascend into the mountains to camp out on the lakeshore. With the 28-300mm VC, it’s
easy to document the natural beauty that surrounds you: From the early morning rays of sunlight
reflected in the still waters to the last marshmallow being toasted over the campfire, this versatile
lens ensures you’re able to capture that indescribable feeling you only get when you’re communing
with Mother Nature. The lens’s close-focusing macro capabilities allow you to zoom into the most
delicate stamens of a wildflower (and the image-stabilization feature keeps that same flower still
and sharp), while its wideangle end lets you show off the beauty of the high-altitude landscape in
its entirety, from peak to pond. Plus, the lens is light enough to carry around all day as you hike on
mountain trails, scale waterfall beds, and wriggle into the underbrush for the best shots.
10 Mountain and Lakeshore Scenes
Exposure: F9, 1/30 sec, 200 ISO, Manual
Exposure: F9, 1/6 sec, 1000 ISO, Manual
135mm 135mm
VC:ONExposure: F14, 1/25 sec, 100 ISO, Manual
Create a compositional series by shooting over a period of ten minutes, allowing the clouds to glide by
while you remain in one place.
When shooting local flora, get down to plant level to frame your shot. The VC feature keeps everything
sharp as you're snaking along the ground.
Exposure: F8, 1/25 sec, 160 ISO, Manual
119mm 119mm
VC:OFFVC:OFFShoot down on a lake from a higher
vantage point and wait for ripples in the
water for artistic effect.
The close focusing ability
and VC feature of the lens
will allow you to capture
unlikely abstracts, even in
a shower curtain.
Rethink what your photographic
instincts tell you. If your subject
matter is vertical, shoot it
horizontally for a compelling
Exposure: F16, 1/200 sec, 100 ISO, Aperture Priority
To capture the velvety beauty of cascading waterfalls,
shoot early in the morning so you can use a long
shutter speed—anything that's moving (the water) will
blur, while everything else will remain sharp.
To capture local fishermen in silhouette,
take a meter reading for the highlights,
and the shadows will simply go dark.
Exposure: F9, 1/15 sec, 100 ISO, Manual
Exposure: F13, 1/25 sec, 100 ISO, Manual
Exposure: F/7.1, 1/15 sec,
400 ISO, Manual
Mountain and Lakeshore Scenes