14. To play back your guitar recording, click the RTZ (Return to Zero)
button in the Transport area and click the Play button. If you are
happy with the recording, drag the Input 1 icon to the left to disarm
the track.
15. To record some vocals, drag the Input 2 icon to track 2. This arms
the track for recording the microphone connected to Input 2 on
the Link.USB. Adjust the Input 2 GAIN knob so your vocals do not
light the overload indicator in Tracktion. Use the MIX knob to adjust
the balance in your headphones and monitors between the guitar
recording and the direct input from the microphone.
16. Click the Record button to record your vocals while listening to the
guitar track.
17. You can record more instruments on more tracks and build a
multitrack masterpiece by continuing in a similar fashion. As you
record and play other tracks, you can mute any tracks you don’t want
to hear by clicking the “M” button at the far right side of the track.
18. Tracktion has a number of plug-ins that you can use to enhance
each track. Refer to the Tracktion User’s Guide or Reference Guide
for more information on using plug-ins and creating a stereo mix for
burning to CD or creating an MP3 file.
Pan and
“TAPCO” is a registered trademark of LOUD Technologies Inc. All other brand
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©2005 LOUD Technologies Inc.
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