10 – Messages


Meaning and response



Finalized Disc

You tried to execute FINALIZE with a disc that is already finalized. You do not need to finalize it.



Not Finalized

You tried to execute UNFINALIZE with an unfinalized disc. You do not need to unfinalize it.



Execute Failed

The unit failed to execute a FINALIZE, UNFINALIZE or ERASE operation for some reason. Check

for scratches or dirt on the media.





You selected DIVIDE for a WAV file that is less than 2 seconds long, but you cannot divide a file that is

less than 2sec

2 seconds or less.



MBR Error

The SD card is not formatted properly or the formatting is broken. When “Are you Sure?” appears,

press the ENTER key to format the entire SD card in FAT format. All data on the file is erased during






Format Error

The FAT formatting of the SD card is abnormal or broken.

Format CARD




Invalid Card

This appears when an SD card error occurs when the unit is turned on.

Change Card




Card Error

There was some sort of error with the SD card. Turn the power off once and replace the card with a

working card.




Disc Error

The unit failed when writing data on a disc. Check scratches or dirt on the disc.



CD Drive Error




Not Continued




File Error




Player Error




Device Error




Writing Failed




Sys Rom Err




System Err 50

If any of these errors occur, turn the unit's power off once and restart the unit. Disconnect the AC

System Err 1

adaptor and remove the batteries if you cannot turn the power off. If the error message continues to


appear, contact a TASCAM Service Center

System Err 2



System Err 3




System Err 4




System Err 5




System Err 6




System Err 7




System Err 8




System Err 9




48 TASCAM BB-1000CD/BB-800