Playable file format
This unit can play following files recorded on a CD -R, CD-RW, DVD -R,
DVD-RW or USB memory device:
M MP3 files
M W indows Media-formatted audio files
M JPEG files
M DivX video f iles
(DivX 5, DivX 4, DivX 3 and DivX VOD video content)
< Fi le names should be alpha numeric char acters. T his unit cannot
display symb ols and full-s ize or double -byte char acters (such
as Japanese, Chinese, etc.) corre ctly. Also, be su re to use the file
extension. (‘.mp3’ for MP3 files, ‘.wma’ for WMA files, ‘.avi’ or ‘.divx’
for DivX video files, ‘.jpg or ‘.jpeg’ for JPEG files.)
< Files are played in alphabetical o rder.
< M P3 f iles must be mo naural or ste reo MPEG-1 Audi o L ayer 3
format. Thi s u nit can play MP3 files wi th s amplin g fr equenc y
44.1 kHz or 48 kHz, bit-rate 320 kbps o r less.
< T his unit can play WMA files with sampling frequ ency 44.1 kHz, bit-
rate 192 kbps or less.
< T his unit cannot display the bit-rate of VBR (variable bit rate) files
< T he disc must be finalized in order to play.
< T his player is NOT compatible with multi-session discs.
< T he CD-ROM must be ISO 9660 compatible.
< It may take time to display a progressive JPEG picture.
< D ependi ng o n t he f ile size and compre ssion rate, som e J PEG
pictures cannot be displayed correctly.
Example of Icons used on DVD discs
Number of audio tracks recorded on the disc
Number of subtitles recorded on the disc
Screen aspect ratio
Disc recorded with multiple camera angles
Region code
< D o not play any disc that is warped, deformed or damaged. Playing
such discs may cause irreparable harm to the playing mechanisms.
< Printable discs are not recommended, as the label side might be
sticky and damage the unit.
< D o not s tick papers or protective sheets on the discs and do not
use any protective coating spray.
< N ever use a stabilizer. Using commercially availabl e CD stabilizers
with thi s unit will damage the mechanisms and cause t hem to
< D o not use irregular shape discs (octagonal, heart shaped, business
card size, etc.). Discs of this sort can damage the unit:
Handling precautions
< A lways place the disc on the disc tray wit h th e la bel side up.
Compact discs can be played or recorded only on one side.
< To remove a disc from its storage case, press down on the center of
the case and lift the disc out, holding it carefully by the edges.
How to remove the disc How to hold the disc
Storage precautions
< D iscs should be returned to their cases after use to avoid dust and
scratches that could cause the laser pickup to “skip.”
< D o n ot expose di scs to direct su nlight or high hum idity and
tempe ratur e for e xten ded p eriod s. Lo ng exp osure to hig h
temperatures will warp the disc.
< CD -R and CD-RW discs are more sensitive to the effec ts of heat
and ultraviolet rays than o rdinary CDs. It is important that they are
not stored in a location where direct sunlight will f all on them, and
away from sources of heat suc h as radiators or heat-generating
electrical devices.
< Sho uld the disc become dir ty, wipe the surface radially (from th e
center hole outward towards the outer edge) with a soft, dry cloth.
< N ever use su ch ch emicals as r ecord sprays, antistati c spr ays or
fluid, benzine or thinner to clean the disc s. Such chemicals will do
irreparable damage to the disc’s plastic surface.
If you are in any doubt as to the care and handling of a disc, read the
precautions supplied with the disc, or contact the disc manufacturer.