Gecko Frames Instruction Manual 41
Section 5
This section discusses specifications for the Gecko 8900 frames and the
8900PSX 100 W power supply. Refer to the module instruction manual for
the specifications for a particular audio/video module.
Frame Specifications
See Table 9 for a list of the 8900 Series frame specifications. Specifications
are subject to change without prior notice.
Table 9. 8900 Series Frame Specifications
Parameter Value
Module Cells
Input Type 75 Ω loop through BNCs (shield-isolated from ground)
Termination (Serial Digital) CONARE BCP-TA (or equivalent,
Output Type Eight 75 Ω BNCs
Frame Fault Reporting
Connector Type DB-9F pins 8 and 9 of RS-232 connector
Maximum Current — Alarm OFF 100 µA when voltage < 24 V is applied
Maximum Voltage — Alarm ON 2 V with current < 20 mA
Maximum allowable voltage —
center conductor to shield 24 V
Maximum allowable current 20 mA
Front Panel Indicators
PS 1 & PS 2 Green LED — ON indicates operating correctly
Fault (TF/TFN front covers only) Red LED — ON indicates an error or failure