Gecko Frames Instruction Manual 41

Section 5

This section discusses specifications for the Gecko 8900 frames and the
8900PSX 100 W power supply. Refer to the module instruction manual for
the specifications for a particular audio/video module.

Frame Specifications

See Table 9 for a list of the 8900 Series frame specifications. Specifications
are subject to change without prior notice.
Table 9. 8900 Series Frame Specifications
Parameter Value
Module Cells
Input Type 75 loop through BNCs (shield-isolated from ground)
Termination (Serial Digital) CONARE BCP-TA (or equivalent,
Output Type Eight 75 BNCs
Frame Fault Reporting
Connector Type DB-9F pins 8 and 9 of RS-232 connector
Maximum Current — Alarm OFF 100 µA when voltage < 24 V is applied
Maximum Voltage — Alarm ON 2 V with current < 20 mA
Maximum allowable voltage —
center conductor to shield 24 V
Maximum allowable current 20 mA
Front Panel Indicators
PS 1 & PS 2 Green LED — ON indicates operating correctly
Fault (TF/TFN front covers only) Red LED — ON indicates an error or failure