Figure 3 ￿117: Setting Waveform Point Count

1.Select Setting from the bottom menu.

2.Use the numeric keys or the general purpose knob to set the number of waveform points.

The default value for the number of waveform points is 1000. The waveform point size can be set to any value between 1 and 32,768. However, due to limitations in outputting the waveforms from this instrument, the waveform point is limited to 64 ± 32,768 points and to a multiple of 8. When the set value causes the calculated clock frequency to become greater than 20 MHz, the clock frequency will be limited to the maximum value of 250 MHz and the following message will appear, asking you to confirm that this is all right. If it is, select O.K. from the side menu. In such cases, the waveform period will change.

The clock calculated ￿xxxxx Hz￿

is not supported by this instrument. The waveform will be output

with the maximum clock of 2.5e+08Hz.

3 ￿158

AWG2021 User Manual