Teledyne API M100E Analyzer Operation Manual Getting Started
A gas specifically mixed to match the chemical composition of the type of gas being measured at near full scale
of the desired measurement range. In this case, SO2 measurements made with the Teledyne API M100E UV
Fluorescence SO2 Analyzer, it is recommended that you use a span gas with a SO2 concentration equal to 80%
of the measurement range for your application.
EXAMPLE: If the application is to measure between 0 ppm and 500 ppb, an appropriate span gas
concentration would be 450 ppb SO2.
Cylinders of calibrated SO2 gas traceable to NIST-Standard Reference Material specifications (also referred to
as SRM’s or EPA protocol calibration gases) are commercially available. Table 3-7 lists specific NIST-SRM
reference numbers for various concentrations of SO2.
Some applications, such as EPA monitoring, require a multipoint calibration procedure where span gases of
different concentrations are needed. We recommend using a bottle of calibrated SO2 gas of higher concentration
in conjunction with a gas dilution calibrator such as a Teledyne API Model 700. This type of calibrator precisely
mixes a high concentration gas with zero air (both supplied externally) to accurately produce span gas of the
correct concentration. Linearity profiles can be automated with this model and run unattended over night.
Table 3-7: NIST-SRM's Available for Traceability of SO2 Calibration Gases
NIST-SRM Type Nominal Concentration
1693a Sulfur dioxide in N2 50 ppm
1694a Sulfur dioxide in N2 100 pp
1661a Sulfur dioxide in N2 500 ppm
2659a1 O
2 in N2 21% by weight
2626a CO2 in N2 4% by weight
27452 CO2 in N2 16% by weight
1 Used to calibrate optional O2 sensor.
2 Used to calibrate optional CO2 sensor.
In order to prevent dust from getting into the gas flow channels of your analyzer, it was shipped with
small plugs inserted into each of the pneumatic fittings on the back panel.
Ensure that all of these dust plugs are removed before attaching
exhaust and supply gas lines.
Refer to Figure 3-2 and Table 3-2 for the location and descriptions of the various pneumatic inlets/outlets
referred to in this section.
Refer to Section 5.7 or information regarding the pneumatic setup of M100E analyzers with various optional
calibration valve options installed.
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