The sta tus screen may be changed to an al ter nate dis play by
press ing <MENU> for 3 sec onds. The al ter nate dis play shows
the base name and num ber in dou ble wide and dou ble tall
char ac ters. It also in di cates the sys tem's band and fre quen cies
in nor mal char ac ters. Press ing <MENU> for 3 sec onds again
will re vert back to the main sta tus screen.
En cryp tion Code
The base sta tion has a four digit, hex a dec i mal, en cryp tion
code that can be set by the user. It must match the code at the
beltpack in or der for com mu ni ca tion be tween the beltpack and
base station to oc cur.
Chang ing the En cryp tion Code
1. From the sta tus screen hit <MENU> once to ar rive at
the se cu rity code / sys tem set tings / in ter com set -
tings/RF me ter menu screen.
2. Se lect the se cu rity code menu with the
<UP>/<DOWN> ar row buttons and press <SET> to
go to the se cu rity code screen.
3. The first code po si tion will be flash ing. Set the digit by
us ing the <UP>/<DOWN> ar row buttons then press -
ing <SET> to go to the next code po si tion.
4. Af ter the last code po si tion is set press <MENU> to go
back to the sta tus screen or press <SET> to be gin ed it -
ing again.
Sys tem Set tings
The sys tems set tings al lows a num ber of base sta tion char ac --
ter is tics to be set. This in cludes base name, base num ber, in --
ter com type, aux type, base TX power, BP off mode, sidetone
and fre quen cies.
Name and Num ber
The name of the base sta tion may be set to any 10 digit al --
pha nu meric char ac ter. For ex am ple, in a foot ball sit u a tion
the name of the coach may be en tered. This pro vides an
easy iden ti fier to the user as to who’s base sta tion it is.
The num ber of the base sta tion can also be set from 1 to
10. In a sys tem of base sta tions man aged by a fre quency
man ager the base num ber must be set to a unique num ber
be cause this is how the fre quency man ager iden ti fies the
base sta tion.
Chang ing the Base Name and Num ber
1. From the sta tus screen hit <MENU> once to ar rive at
the se cu rity code / sys tem set tings / in ter com set -
tings/RF meter menu screen.
2. Se lect the sys tem set tings menu with the
<UP>/<DOWN> ar row buttons and press <SET> to
go to base set ting sub-menu.
3. Se lect the base name and num ber menu with the
<UP>/<DOWN> ar row buttons and press <SET> to
go to the base name and num ber set screen.
4. The first name po si tion will be flash ing. Set the al pha -
nu meric char ac ter by us ing the <UP>/<DOWN> ar row
but tons then press ing <SET> to go to the next po si -
tion. Up to 10 char ac ters may be set.
5. Af ter the al pha nu meric char ac ters are set the screen
pro ceeds to the num ber se lec tion. Se lect the num ber
menu with the <UP>/<DOWN> ar row buttons and
press <SET> to set it.
6. Af ter the num ber is set press <MENU> to go back to
the sta tus screen or press <SET> again to be gin the
pro cess over again.
Base Main Set tings
This im por tant screen en ables the user to set the wired in --
ter com type con nected to the sys tem, the aux il iary in put
type, the trans mit ter power, BP Off Mode, and the base
station and beltpack side tone lev els.