Activity 2
Dice Digits
Students use 4 numbers, any operations, and grouping symbols to write mathematical expressions that are equal to each of the numbers 1 through 9.
Number Sense
♦order of operations
♦mental math
♦basic computation
♦student activity sheet (provided)
♦transparency of activity sheet
If your
With each rand execution, the
1.Enter the number you want for your seed value. Have students use different seed values. (In the example shown at the right, 1 is used.)
2.Now press X 1 " " 1 b 1 " " 1 b b.
(For more information about seed values, refer to the
“1 Probability Menu” section in the Math chapter of the
If you do not enter a seed value, rand uses whatever value happens to be the current seed. If there is no seed, it uses the factory- set value of 0.
If you want to restore the