24 | Using the | Patterns and Functions |
1.Ask students: Look at the row for the number of blocks. What pattern do you see? (The first number is 3 and then increases by 1.)
2.Demonstrate along with your class how to put the pattern into the
a.Explain that this whole scenario starts with a
[ b
b.Ask students: How many blocks do you need for a
c.Press \ Y.
Ask the class to tell you what Ans means. (Explain that just pressing \ indicates to the
d.Press b.
Explain that the number of blocks in the
e.Press b again.
Ask the class to explain what happened. (Because you did not enter a new command, the
f.Ask students: How would you use the b key (this technique) to find out how many blocks you would need for a
➪Have students count aloud as you press b7 more