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Formatting a request e-mail
Recognized tags
When you send an ADD, DELETE, GET, or HELP request
e-mail to the TV, the TV will recognize only the tags listed
below. These tags (and their accompanying data) must be listed
in the body of the request e-mail in the following order:
Your ID (required only if you set the “ID Required” field to On*)
ADD —or— DELETE —or— GET —or— HELP
ANT-1 —or— ANT-2 —or— CABLE BOX
Channel number of the recording or reminder
Date of the recording or reminder
Start time of the recording or reminder
Length of time of the recording or reminder
Chapter 11: Using the THINC™ home network feature
G. Using e-mail scheduling
You can use the e-mail scheduling feature to schedule and delete
recordings and reminders by sending an e-mail to the TVs
e-mail address from any PC.
The four commands the TV will accept are ADD, DELETE,
GET, and HELP, as described in this section.
If you have not already done so, follow the instructions in
sections A and B , pages 106–108, and in section F, pages
112–115, before proceeding.
When a recording is scheduled via e-mail, the recording device
used will be the first of the following attached devices found by
the network (in this order):
1) an AVHD recorder connected via IEEE1394
2) a D-VHS recorder connected via IEEE1394
3) a VCR connected via the analog RECORD OUT (VIDEO
OUT) terminal.
E-mail parameters
The maximum allowable e-mail size is 16 KB. E-mails over
16 KB will be automatically deleted.
E-mails sent to the TV cannot contain any attachments.
The TV will automatically delete any e-mail with an
attached file.
E-mails can be formatted either Plain Text or Rich Text
Format (HTML style).
E-mails sent to the TV that are not properly formatted,
are from the wrong e-mail address, or have the wrong ID
(if specified) will be deleted.
All e-mails sent to the TV will eventually be deleted.
Sending a request e-mail to the TV
To send a request e-mail to the TV:
1. Format the e-mail following according to the instructions
under “Formatting a request e-mail” below.
2. Send the e-mail to the TV.
3. After the TV receives and processes the e-mail, the TV will
send a reply e-mail indicating whether the e-mailed request
succeeded or failed. See “Receiving an e-mail from the TV,”
on page 118.
Toshiba is not responsible for any damage or loss caused
directly or indirectly by the failure of the e-mail scheduling
feature to record content intended to be recorded.
Toshiba is not responsible for, nor has any control over, any
content recorded and/or viewed using the e-mail
scheduling feature. Further, the e-mail scheduling feature
is not meant to be used for unauthorized recording and/or
viewing of copyrighted works.
The unauthorized recording, use, distribution, or revision
of television programs, videotapes, DVDs, and other
materials is prohibited under the Copyright Laws of the
United States and other countries, and may subject you to
civil and criminal liability.
Tag and data formats
The data for each tag can be formatted in various ways, as
described in the following table
Tag formats Data formats
ID* [6- to 16-character alphanumeric code]
MyID1234 … MYID1234 … myid1234
INPUT ANT1 … ANT-1 … Antenna-1
INP ANT2 … ANT-2 … Antenna-2
CABLE BOX … cablebox … CB
SET-TOP BOX … settopbox … STB
CHANNEL For cable channels: 4 … 38 … 100
CH For digital channels, use a hyphen: 5-1 … 102-2
DATE [If the year is not specified, the current year is assumed.]
7-4 … 7/23 … 7-16-05 … 12/4/05 … 12/19/2005
START TIME 8am … 4:45pm … 8:30AM … 9PM
START Noon: 12:00pm … Midnight: 12:00am
DURATION 15m … 15min … 15minutes … 2h … 2hr …
DUR 2h15m … 2hr15min … 2:15
TYPE RECORD … REC … Rec … recording
REMIND … REM … Rem … reminder