Setting passwords
Setting passwordsSetting a password lets you walk away from your computer while
providing additional protection for your files. When you set a
password, you must enter the password before you can work on
your computer again.
TOSHIBA supports different types of passwords on your computer:
❖A supervisor password—Prohibits unauthorized users from
accessing certain functions within System Settings. This is
useful if more than one person uses the computer.
❖A user password—Prevents unauthorized users from starting
the computer.
When setting up passwords, keep the following in mind:
❖The supervisor password must be set before the user password,
or the user password must be deleted and then re-entered after
the supervisor password is set.
❖The user password can be set up under the supervisor
Using a supervisor password
A supervisor password prevents other users from changing
hardware configuration options.
Setting a supervisor password
If you choose to set a supervisor or user password, TOSHIBA
strongly recommends that you save your password in a location
where you can later access it should you not remember it.
TOSHIBA is not responsible for any losses that may occur to you, your
organization or others as a result of the inability to access your
To set a supervisor password:
1To access Supervisor Password from the Start screen begin
typing Supervisor Password, or while in the Desktop screen
double-click the Desktop Assist icon.
2Click Tools & Utilities.
3Click Supervisor Password.