Electronic Hearing Aid Dryer
Designed to remove moisture from your hearing aids and
earphones and help to maintain peak performance.
Operating Instructions
In the Evening:
1. Push the switch on the back of the Dri-Dock to the ON position. The green light
indicator should illuminate.
2. Place your hearing aid(s) inside the Dri-Dock with the battery compartment of
the hearing aid left open. Place the earmold with the canal aimed down. This is
the same for both in-the-ear and behind-the-ear hearing aids.
3. Close the lid of the Dri-Dock. The Dri-Dock will remove moisture from your
hearing aid(s) while you sleep.
In the Morning:
1. Turn the switch on the back of the Dri-Dock to the OFF position. Open the lid
and remove your hearing aid(s). Allow them to cool to room temperature.
2. Wipe the hearing aid(s) with a dry tissue.
3. Insert hearing aid(s) and enjoy another day of better hearing.
Should you experience any difficulty with your hearing a ids, contact your hearing heal thcare
professional immediately.
Limited Warranty:
The warranty for the TV Ea rs Dri-Dock Electronic Hearing Aid Dryer is limited
to defects in material and w orkmanship for 1 year from t he date of
purchase. Warranty is void ed should any repair be attem pted by anyone
other than TV Ears, Inc.
For service, contact TV Ears , Inc. toll free at 888-883-3277
Monday - Friday 7am-4pm PST