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First Class
6345 Castleway Court
Indianapolis, IN 46250
Attn :MC Market Research Department
Please do not send any products or service related correspondence to th is address
23. What type of car (5) do you drive?
D Compact
D Mid Size
D Sports
D Full Size
D Station Wagon
D Van
D Recreational Vehicle
D Specialty
D Motor Cycle
D Pick Up
24. What magazine(s) do you read?
D Road & Track
D Car & Driver
D Motor Trend
D Auto Week
D American Trucker
D Road King
D Playboy
D Sports Illustrated
D Penthouse
D Time
D Newsweek
D Popular Science
D Popular Mechanics
D Consumer Reports
D People
25. What types of credit cards do you use?
D American Express, Diner's 'Clab, Carte
D Bank Cards (Master Card, Visa, etc.)
D Gasoline Card, Name-
D Department Store Card
D None of the above
@1987 Uniden Corporation of America Printed in Japan
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