1997 Volvo 850
Turn the button clockwise to switch on and to increase the volume. The volume control is electronic and
has no end stop.
C - Wave band selector
The desired wave band is set by pressing one of the wave band selector buttons. The frequency and
wave band is shown on the display.
NOTE: There are two FM wave band and one AM wave band. This makes it possible to store 2 x 6 FM
stations and 6 AM stations in memory.
D - Setting frequency selection
The radio can be used in most parts of the world by changing the frequency selection intervals as
follows: Depress and hold preset button 5 and turn the radio ON. "USA" will flash on the display. Each
time button 5 is pressed, the frequency selection will change from "USA" to "AUS", etc. When the
correct country name is displayed, wait 5 seconds and the radio will be ready for use.
E - Manual tuning
Press the left side of the tune button to tune to lower frequencies and the right side to tune to higher
frequencies. The tuned frequency is displayed.
ST will be displayed to indicate stereo FM reception.
pg. 10:5 Radio SC-710 (cont.)
file:///K|/ownersdocs/1997/1997_850/97850_1001.htm (5 of 9)12/30/2006 10:13:49 AM