Special Message Indicators
Out of Area Calls
If for any reason the telephone number
of the caller is unavailable, or if the
caller is outside the Caller ID (CID)
service area, the message UNAVAIL-
ABLE is displayed.
However, when you dial directly from
Caller ID (CID) memory, only the last
7 digits of the received telephone
number will be used. Consequently,
you would actually dial this:
The VTech VT 1930c was designed to
accommodate this situation. If you
need to temporarily add a long dlstance
prefix and /or area code (such as 1503)
before the Caller ID (CID) number, do
the following:
¥ Beginning from the standby mode,
key in the necessary digits. Your
display will look like this:
ÒPrivateÓ Calls
If the caller has exercised the option
to block his or her number from being
sent, then the display will show
Transmission Error
If an error is detected, then the Caller
ID (CID) information is incomplete
and will not be displayed.
The occasional appearance of TRANS-
MISSION ERROR on your display
does not indicate a problem with your
unit or your telephone line. However,
if this appears frequently, you may
want to notify your telephone com-