Example: 142, -, 42 = 100. Some correct answers: 142-42=100, 100=142-42. Can you think of any other answers?


In Adventure mode, use Up and Down to add an item to your shopping cart. Use Up and Down to decide how much of that item you want to buy, then press Action or Enter to confirm - but wait, this is a game world so everything is a challenge- even shopping! The shopkeeper is a bit lazy so he’ll ask you to add up your purchase. Enter the correct amount to complete your purchase and leave the shop. Enter the wrong amount and the shopkeeper will not sell you any items.

In Activity mode, the shopkeeper will select the items for you and you just need to calculate the correct amount. The items will not effect your energy, power, or endurance.

Remember: The items you purchase in Activity mode cannot be used in Adventure mode.



A power surge has caused an explosion at the creature factory. Your mission is to rescue the creatures inside the factory. Watch out! Those power cables overhead are releasing dangerous blasts of electricity. You can carry up to nine creatures at a time, but if you carry too many creatures, you won’t be able to run fast enough and dodge the blasts.

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