User's Manual
Item no. 2253
EASY Air CompressorEASY Air CompressorTM
WAGAN Corp. Limited WarrantyRegistration Form
AllWAGAN Corporation products are warranted to the original purchaser of this product.
WarrantyDuration: This product is warranted to the original purchaser for a period of one (1)
Yearfrom the original purchase date, to be free of defects in material and workmanship. WAGAN
Corporationdisclaims any liability for consequential damages. In no event will WAGAN
Corporationbe responsible for any amount of damages beyond the amount paid for the product
atretail. In the even of a defective item, please ship the item, prepaid, with a complete
explanationof the problem, your name, address and daytime phone number. WAGAN
Corporationwill, at its option, replaces or repair the defective part. This warranty is void if the
producthas been damaged by accident, in shipment, unreasonable use, misuse, neglect,
improperservice, commercial use, repairs by unauthorized personnel or other causes not arising
outof defects in materials or workmanship. This warranty is effective only if the product is
purchasedand operated in the USA and does not extend to any units which have been used in
violationof written instructions furnished.
WarrantyDisclaimers: This warranty is in-lieu of all warranties expressed or implied and no
representativeor person is authorized to assume any other liability in connection with the sale of
ourproducts. There shall be no claims for defects or failure of performance or product failure
underany theory of tort, contract or commercial law including, but not limited to negligence,
grossnegligence, strict liability, breach of warranty and breach of contract.
WarrantyPerformance: During the above one (1) Year warranty period, a product with a defect
willbe replaced with a comparable model when the product is returned to WAGAN Corporation
withan original store receipt. The replacement product will be in warranty for the balance of the
one(1) Year warranty period.
Pleaseactivate my limited warranty for WAGAN Corp. 3-IN-1Easy Air Compressor
Enclosedcopy of original sales receipt.
State,Zip Code
ItemPurchased 3-IN-1Easy Air Compressor
Dateof Purchase
Signature Date
AllWAGAN Corporation Products must be registered within (30) days of purchased to activate this warranty.
Mailthe complete registration form, along with a copy of the original receipt to:
Attn:Customer Service
3589Yale Way
Fremont,CA 94538
c 2004 WAGAN Corp.