Assembly Instructions
Battery Charging
•Charge the battery in a
•Keep sparks, flames, and smoking mate- rials away from the battery at all times.
•Make sure the battery cap vents are open after the battery is filled with acid (check manifold vent on each cap).
•Make sure the battery charger is unplug- ged before connecting or disconnecting cables to the battery.
1.Charge the battery at 15 amps for 10 minutes. DO NOT exceed 20 amps maximum recom- mended charging rate. Charge until specific gravity is at least 1.250. Total charging time should not exceed one (1) hour.
2.After charging the battery, adjust the electrolyte level to the bottom of the vent wells [1/4 to 1/2 in. (6 to 13 mm) above the plates].
IMPORTANT: DO NOT overfill the battery. Electrolyte will overflow through the vented caps onto parts of the machine and WILL result in severe corrosion.
3.Install battery.
Mower Deck Assembly
Deck Caster Wheels Installation
1.Remove the bolts and washers from each deck caster wheel.
2.Install wheel on fork using bolts and washers.
NOTE: Valve stem and grease zerk should face to the inside of machine.
3.Tighten the bolts and washers.
Deck Caster Wheel Installation
Deck Discharge Shield Installation
Attach the deck side discharge shield by positioning the shield hinge lug in front of the deck mount and fastening with two
DO NOT operate the machine without the grass deflector chute attached and in the lowest possible position.
Attach Shield
Deck Discharge Shield Installation