Giving Your Vacuum Cleaner A

Detailed Inspection

If you don't find a blockage, the Vacuum
Cleaner shuts itself off or a loss of suction
persists, you will need to give it a more
detailed inspection.
1. Return the Vacuum Cleaner to its upright
2. Turn the Vacuum Cleaner OFF and unplug
3. Remove and clean the Collection Bin and
Collection Bin Filter, Dirt Arrestor, and
Foam Filter following the detailed
instructions in the User Maintenance
Instructions section in this manual.
5. Remove and clean the HEPA Filter
following the detailed instructions in the
section entitled: “Cleaning The HEPA
Filter” section in this manual.
4. Remove any dirt or debris that may have
accumulated in the Air Passageway or in
the Cyclone Entrance.
5. Check the Rotary Brush and Rotary Valve
Inlet. (See “Cleaning the Rotary Brush”
section of this manual.)
6. Check the Belt to make sure it is in good
condition. If it is broken or damaged,
replace it. (See section entitled:
Replacing a Broken Belt.)
7. Replace Collection Bin.

Safety Tip

Make sure you turn your Vacuum Cleaner OFF
whenever you make any adjustments or lift
the Vacuum Cleaner up or remove any part.
CCAAUUTTIIOONN:: BBee ssuurree ttoo kkeeeepp ffiinnggeerrss aanndd ttooeess
aawwaayy ffrroomm tthhee mmoovviinngg RRoottaarryy BBrruusshh..

Removing The Base Cover

You will need to remove the Base Cover from time
to time to clean the Rotary Brush, check the
Vacuum Belt, change a Headlight, or remove a
1.Unscrew the screws located on the rear of the
Base Cover. (See Figure 20a.)
2. Lay the Vacuum Cleaner on its back so that
the Rotary Brush faces up.
3. Unscrew the screws located under the Rotary
Brush. (See Figure 20b.)
4. Remove the Base Cover by placing your
thumbs in the rear screw holes and pushing
forward and up. This will disengage the
3 Cover Locking Tabs.
5. Pull the Base Cover away from the Vacuum
Cleaner head.
6. When finished cleaning or removing a
blockage, you must replace the Base Cover
and refasten the screws. Be sure you don't
over-tighten the screws.
15 WST1500 Special Edition Series
Figure 20a
Figure 20b
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