INDEX-36 Master Index
CM = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System DC = Decomposition Service and Tools Guide IP = Installation Planning Guide
IS = IPDS Solutions Guide PD = Guide to Using PDL PJ = Guide to Mana ging Print Jobs RM -Guide to Performing Routine
Maintenance SJ = Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client SO = System Overview Guide TG = Troubleshooting Guide
write-black engine PD 1-15PD 1-16, PD
write-white engine PD 1-15PD 1-16
x axis PD 1-35
XCat tool
creating File of Files DC 4-9DC 4-11
overview DC 1-4
described DC 6-7DC 6-12
xcat tool
DOS DC 6-15
Sun OS/Solaris DC 6-19
XDS for Macintosh
system requirements SJ 4-1
Xerox Check Performance Guarantee IS
Xerox Client print command TG 2-1
Xerox Client Software IP 2-6, IP 4-10, IP
8-2, SO 2-7
man pages SJ 2-12SJ 2-13
PC-DOS workstations SJ 2-2SJ 2-4
UNIX workstations SJ 2-9SJ 2-12
package, general requirements SJ 2-1
DOS SJ 2-6
UNIX SJ 2-14
Xerox Client Software, troubleshooting
installation TG 2-1TG 2-2
Xerox CMC-7 IS 5-12
Xerox Customer Education IP B-4, RM 8-3
Xerox Customer Parts and Product Support
Center IP A-14, SO A-14
Xerox Customer Service Center RM 8-1
Xerox Customer Service Support Center IP
Xerox Documentation and Software
Services (XDSS) IP B-3, RM 8-1
Xerox drivers SJ 1-1
Xerox files
restoring backed up CM 2-11
Xerox files, backing up CM 2-10
Xerox Font Center IP B-4, RM 8-2
Xerox network print queue
Windows NT 4.0, printing to SJ 5-78
Xerox PPD files required with third-party
Windows NT 4.0 (transparent) SJ 5-47
Xerox responsibilities IP 4-2, IP 8-2IP 8-3
Xerox Supply Center IP A-14, SO A-14
Xerox utilities software SJ 3-1
Xerox value-added features IS 1-1, IS 5-1
XGFNub. See line mode extension
XIPP prescan DC C-1
XMerge tool
creating File of Files DC 4-11DC 4-13
overview DC 1-5
Windows DC 6-5DC 6-7
xmerge tool
DOS DC 6-14
SunOS/Solaris DC 6-18
XPAF solution, comparing IS 6-1
XResolution TIFF tag DC E-1
y axis PD 1-35
YResolution TIFF tag DC E-1
zero-width lines, imaging PD 1-24
zone name, specifying IP 4-10