Basic Structure
Internal Structure (System Overview)
Owner’s Manual
● Punch In/Out (Song)
You can use this method when you want to re-record only over a specific area of the track. You’ll need to set the start and end
points before re-recording.
In the eight-measure example below, the third measures through the fifth measure are re-recorded.
nPunch In/Out Recording can only be used with Realtime recording.
nNote that the Punch In/Out method always replaces (destroys) the original data over the specified area.
This function lets you automatically trigger musical and rhythmic phrases using the current Voice by simply pressing a note or
notes on the keyboard. The Arpeggio sequence also changes in response to the actual notes or chords you play, giving you a
wide variety of inspiring musical phrases and ideas — both in composing and performing.
nA single Arpeggio type can be played back at the same time even in the Performance, Song, and Pattern mode, enabling you to play multiple tone
generator’s parts simultaneously.
■ Category of the Arpeggio type
The Arpeggio types are divided into 18 categories as listed below.
nKeyboard Mega Voices
Normal voices use velocity switching to make the sound quality and/or level of a voice according to how strongly or softly you play it. This makes the voices
sound authentic and natural. However, with Keyboard Mega Voices, each velocity range (the measure of your playing strength) has a completely different
sound. For example, a guitar voice includes the sounds of various performance techniques. In conventional instruments, different voices having those
sounds would be called up via MIDI and played in combination to achieve the desired effect. However, now with Keyboard Mega voices, a convincing guitar
part can be played with just a single voice, using specific velocity values to play the desired sounds.
LCD Category Name Description
Seq Synth Sequence Various arpeggio phrases suited for synth voices.
ChSq Synth Chord Sequence Various rhythmic chord phrases or synth voices.
HySq Synth Hybrid Sequence Various arpeggio types programmed so that bass phrases are played with the lower keys and chords or melodies
are played with the midrange and higher keys. These arpeggio types are useful for split voice combinations. In
addition, there are also Hybrid Velocity (“HybVel...”) types that feature different phrases for different velocity
ranges, letting you change the arpeggio phrase depending on how strongly you play the keyboard.
APKb Acoustic Piano & Keyboard Various arpeggio types suited for piano and other keyboard voices, such as electric piano and clav.
Orgn Organ Various arpeggio types suited for organ voices.
GtPl Guitar & Plucked Various arpeggio types suited for guitar and harp voices.
GtKM Guitar - Keyboard Mega Voice Various arpeggio types suited for guitar Keyboard Mega voices (see note below).
Bass Bass Various arpeggio types suited for bass or synth bass voices.
BaKM Bass - Keyboard Mega Voice Various arpeggio types suited for bass Keyboard Mega voices (see note below).
Strn Strings Various arpeggio types suited for strings and pizzicato voices.
Bras Brass Various arpeggio types suited for brass voices.
RdPp Reed & Pipe Various arpeggio types suited for saxophone and flute voices.
Lead Synth Lead Various arpeggio types suited for synth lead voices.
PdMe Synth Pad & Musical FX Various arpeggio types suited for synth pad voices and special musical effects voices, including percussive
CPrc Chromatic Percussion Various arpeggio types suited for chromatic percussion voices.
DrPc Drum & Percussion Various arpeggio types suited for drum and percussion voices (drum kits).
Comb Combination Various arpeggio types suited for Performances. These are combination arpeggios, with separate phrases
suitable for drum voices, bass voices, and chord/melody instruments.
Cntr Control Various arpeggio types programmed primarily with Control Change and Pitch Bend data. These arpeggio types
change the tone or pitch of the sound, rather than play specific notes. In fact, some types contain no note data at
all. When using a type of this category, set the KeyMode parameter to “direct” in each mode.
Recording start Recording stop
Before re-recording
Punch In
After re-recording
Newly recorded data
Punch Out