
File Mode [FILE]

File Types Compatible With the DTXTREME III

The DTXTREME III supports various file types that can be saved and loaded.File types that can be saved

File types

File extension*







All data in this DTXTREME III’s internal User Memory (Flash ROM, DRAM and optionally installed DIMM)

is treated as a single file, and can be saved to the USB storage device.








Utility setup data in this DTXTREME III’s internal User Memory (Flash ROM) is treated as a single file, and

can be saved to the USB storage device.








Click setup in this DTXTREME III’s internal User Memory (Flash ROM) is treated as a single file, and can

be saved to the USB storage device.








All the Trigger Setup data in the DTXTREME III’s internal User Memory (Flash ROM) is treated as a single

file, and can be saved to the USB storage device.








All the Drum Kit data in the DTXTREME III’s internal User Memory (Flash ROM) is treated as a single file,

and can be saved to the USB storage device.








All the Chain data in the DTXTREME III’s internal User Memory (Flash ROM) is treated as a single file, and

can be saved to the USB storage device.








All the Song data in the DTXTREME III’s internal User Memory (DRAM) is treated as a single file, and can

be saved to the USB storage device.








All the User Voice data in the DTXTREME III’s internal User Memory (DRAM) is treated as a single file, and

can be saved to the USB storage device.








A User Voice created in the Sampling mode can be saved to the USB storage device as a WAV file (Win-

dows audio format).








A User Voice created in the Sampling mode can be saved to the USB storage device as an AIFF file (Mac-

intosh audio format).






File types that can be loaded

File types

File extension*







Files of the “AllData” type saved to the USB storage device can be loaded and restored to the instrument.






Files of the “AllData” or “Utility” type saved to the USB storage device can be loaded and restored to the









Files of the “AllData” or “Click” type saved to the USB storage device can be loaded and restored to the









Files of the “AllTrigger” type saved to the USB storage device can be loaded and restored to the instru-









A specified Trigger setup data in a file that is saved to the USB storage device as “AllData” or AllTrigger”


type can be individually selected and loaded to the instrument.







Files of the “AllKit” type saved to the USB storage device can be loaded and restored to the instrument.






A specified Drum kit data in a file that is saved to the USB storage device as “AllData” or AllKit” type can be


individually selected and loaded to the instrument.







Files of the “AllChain” type saved to the USB storage device can be loaded and restored to the instrument.






A specified Chain data in a file that is saved to the USB storage device as “AllData” or AllChain” type can


be individually selected and loaded to the instrument.







Files of the “AllSong” type saved to the USB storage device can be loaded and restored to the instrument.






A specified Song in a file that is saved to the USB storage device as “AllData” or “AllSong” type can be indi-



vidually selected and loaded to the instrument.










Files of the “AllVoice” type saved to the USB storage device can be loaded and restored to the instrument.






A specified Voice in a file that is saved to the USB storage device as “AllData” or AllVoice” type can be indi-


vidually selected and loaded to the instrument.







WAV files (extension: .WAV) or AIFF files (extension: .AIF) can be loaded to the User Voice.







Sampling mode Chain mode Utility mode File mode Trigger mode Click mode Song mode Drum Kit mode Reference

DTXTREME III Owner’s Manual