3Change chords using the auto ac-
companiment feature.
Try playing a few successive single notes with your
left hand, and notice how the bass and chord
accompaniment change with each key you play.
You can also play full chords to control the auto
accompaniment. (Refer to page 56 for more infor-
mation on how to use auto accompaniment.)
• The ACMP ON/OFF button can also be used to turn off
and on the bass/chord accompaniment while playing —
allowing you to create dynamic rhythmic breaks in your
• You can use the Sync-Start function to create a similar,
yet even more dramatic break. While the accompaniment
is playing, pressing the SYNC-START button immediately
stops the accompaniment and enables Sync-Start. This
lets you play unaccompanied until you press a key in the
auto accompaniment section to start the accompaniment
again. This is especially effective when you press the
SYNC-START button at the end of a musical phrase.
Chords played in the auto accompaniment section of the
keyboard are also detected and played when the accom-
paniment is stopped. In effect, this gives you a “split
keyboard,” with bass and chords in the left hand and the
normally selected voice in the right.
The Tempo of song (and accompaniment) playback
can be adjusted over a range of 32 - 280 bpm
(beats per minute). For instructions on changing
the Tempo, see page 76.
Each style has been given a default or standard tempo.
(For instructions on restoring the default tempo, see page
77.) When accompaniment playback is stopped and a
different style is selected, the tempo returns to the default
setting of the new style. When switching styles during
playback, the last tempo setting is maintained. (This
allows you to keep the same tempo, even when changing