The “Karaoke” effects are simple delay effects that simulate the type of “echo” used in most karaoke
1. DELAY TIME Range: 0 … 63
Sets the delay time between the direct sound and the first repeat.
2. FEEDBACK LEVELRange: –63 … 0 … +63
Determines the amount of effect-sound feedback returned to the input of the delay stage. Higher values
produce a greater number of repeats.
3. HPF CUTOFF Range: Thru, 22Hz … 8.0kHz
The cutoff frequency of the high-pass filter applied to the delay sound. No filter is applied when set to
4. LPF CUTOFF Range: 1.0kHz … 18kHz, Thru
The cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter applied to the delay sound. No filter is applied when set to “Thru”.
Distortion and overdrive effects that can produce distortion ranging from subtle to sizzling.
1. DRIVE Range: 0 … 127
Sets the intensity of the distortion or overdrive effect. Higher values produce more distortion.
2. EQ LOW FREQUENCY Range: 50Hz … 2.0kHz
Sets the boost/cut frequency of the low equalizer.
3. EQ LOW GAIN Range: –12dB … 0dB … +12dB
Sets the amount of boost or cut applied to the low-band frequencies. A setting of “0” produces no boost or
cut. Minus values produce cut and plus values produce boost.
4. LPF CUTOFF RANGE: 1.0kHz … 18kHz, Thru
The cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter applied to the distortion sound. No filter is applied when set to
5. OUTPUT LEVEL Range: 0 … 127
Sets the output level of the distortion sound. Higher values produce higher level.
46. Karaoke1 47. Karaoke2 48. Karaoke3
49. Distort. 50. OverDriv
The DSP Effects & Parameters • DSP-Effekte und -Parameter
Effets et paramètres DSP • Efectos de DSP y parámetros