binary hexadecimal
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1N Device Number
01001100 4C Model ID
0aaaaaaa AA Address High
0aaaaaaa AA Address Mid
0aaaaaaa AA Address Low
0ddddddd DD Data
| |
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
For parameters with data size of 2 or 4, transmit the appropriate number of data bytes.
For more information on Address and Parameters, refer to < Table 1-2 > ~ < Table 1-6 >
(pages 115 ~ 118).
The 4 data types listed below are transmitted and received.
(These are transmitted only after a Parameter change request is received.)
XG System Data
Multi Effect Data
Multi Part Data
Drums Setup Data
(3-6-3-2) XG BULK DUMP
binary hexadecimal
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0000nnnn 0N Device Number
01001100 4C Model ID
0bbbbbbb BB ByteCount
0bbbbbbb BB ByteCount
0aaaaaaa AA Address High
0aaaaaaa AA Address Mid
0aaaaaaa AA Address Low
0ddddddd DD Data
| |
0ccccccc CC Check sum
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
For more information on Address and Byte Count, refer to < Table 1-2 > ~ < Table 1-6 >
115 ~ 118).
The Check Sum value is set such that the sum of Byte Count, Address, Data, and
Check Sum has value zero in its seven least significant bits.
If the top of the block is appointed to the Address the XG Bulk Dump, Bulk Request
will be received.
The Block is a unit that consists of the data, arranged in the list, as the Total Size.
The 5 data types listed below are transmitted and received.
(These are transmitted only after a Bulk Dump request is received.)
System Data
Multi Effect Data (Individual effect unit)
Multi Part Data (Individual part unit)
Drums Setup Data (Individual note unit)
System Information (Individual only)
(3-6-3-3) XG PARAMETER REQUEST (Recive only)
binary hexadecimal
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0011nnnn 3n Device Number
01001100 4C Model ID
0aaaaaaa AA Address High
0aaaaaaa AA Address Mid
0aaaaaaa AA Address Low
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
For more information on Address and Byte Count refer to < Table 1-2 > ~ < Table 1-6 >
(pages 115 ~ 118).
The 4 data types listed below are received.
System Data
Multi Effect Data
Multi Part Data
Drums Setup Data
(3-6-3-4) XG DUMP REQUEST (Recive only)
binary hexadecimal
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0010nnnn 2n Device Number
01001100 4C Model ID
0aaaaaaa AA Address High
0aaaaaaa AA Address Mid
0aaaaaaa AA Address Low
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
For more information on Address and Byte Count refer to < Table 1-2 > ~ < Table 1-6 >
115 ~ 118).
binary hexadecimal
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
01111110 7E Style
00000000 01
0ttttttt TT Tempo4
0ttttttt TT Tempo3
0ttttttt TT Tempo2
0ttttttt TT Tempo1
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
The internal clock will be set to the received Tempo value.
Tempo Meta Event is a large data block (24-bit), it is divided into 4 groups with 7-bits
going into each of the Tempos 1-4 (4 receives the remaining 3 bits).
(3-6-2-1-1) MIDI MASTER VOLUME (Recive only)
binary hexadecimal
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01111110 7F Universal Realtime
01111111 7F ID of target Device
00001001 04 Sub-ID #1=Device Control Message
00000001 01 Sub-ID #2=Master Volume
0sssssss SS Volume LSB
0ttttttt TT Volume MSB
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01111110 7F Universal Realtime
0xxxnnnn XN When N is received N=0-F, whichever is received.
When N is transmitted N always=0.
X = don’t care
00001001 04 Sub-ID #1=Device Control Message
00000001 01 Sub-ID #2=Master Volume
0sssssss SS Volume LSB
0ttttttt TT Volume MSB
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
The volume for all channels will be changed simultaneously.
The TT value is used as the MIDI Master Volume value. (the ss value is ignored.)
binary hexadecimal
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01111110 7E Universal Non-Realtime
01111111 7F ID of target Device
00001001 09 Sub-ID #1=General MIDI Message
00000001 01 Sub-ID #2=General MIDI On
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01111110 7E Universal Non-Realtime
0xxxnnnn XN When N is received N=0-F, whichever is received.
When N is transmitted N always=0.
X = don’t care
00001001 09 Sub-ID #1=General MIDI Message
00000001 01 Sub-ID #2=General MIDI On
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
Depending upon the received ON message, the System Mode will be changed to XG.
Except MIDI Master Tuning, all control data be reset to default values.
This message requires approximately 50ms to execute, so sufficient time should be
allowed before the next message is sent.
The bank select message for the channel 10 and the NRPN messages are not received
in the GM mode.
(3-6-3-1-1) XG SYSTEM ON
binary hexadecimal
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1N Device Number
01001100 4C Model ID
00000000 00 Address High
00000000 00 Address Mid
01111110 7E Address Low
00000000 00 Data
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
Depending upon the received ON message, the SYSTEM MODE will be changed to
XG.Controllers will be reset, all values of Multi Part and Effect, and All System values
denoted by “XG” data within All System will be reset to default values in the table.
This message requires approximately 50ms to execute, so sufficient time should be
allowed before the next message is sent.
MIDI Data Format