115 En
Problem Cause Remedy See
FM stereo reception is
The characteristics of FM stereo
broadcasts may cause this problem
when the transmitter is too far away or
the antenna input is poor.
Check the antenna connections. 24
Try using a high-quality directional FM
Use the manual tuning method. 47
There is distortion,
and clear reception
cannot be obtained
even with a good FM
There is multi-path interference. Adjust the antenna position to eliminate
multi-path interference.
The desired station
cannot be tuned into
with the automatic
tuning method.
The signal is too weak. Use a high-quality directional FM antenna.
Use the manual tuning method. 47
Previously preset
stations can no longer
be tuned into.
This unit has been disconnected for a
long period.
Set preset stations. 48, 49
The desired station
cannot be tuned into
with the automatic
tuning method.
The signal is weak or the antenna
connections are loose.
Tighten the AM loop antenna connections
and orient it for the best reception.
Use the manual tuning method. 47
There are continuous
crackling and hissing
Noises result from lightning,
fluorescent lamps, motors, thermostats
and other electrical equipment.
Use an outdoor antenna and a ground wire.
This will help somewhat, but it is difficult to
eliminate all noise.
There are buzzing and
whining noises.
A TV set is being used nearby. Move this unit away from the TV set.
Cannot tune into any
DAB services.
The initial scan operations were not
performed, or the DAB registry list
needs to be updated.
Perform the initial scan operations. 58
There is no DAB coverage in your
Check with your dealer or WorldDAB online
at “http://www.worlddab.org” for a listing of
the DAB coverage in your area.
The DAB signals are too weak. Use a high-quality outdoor DAB antenna.
The initial scan
operations are not
successful and “Not
Available” appears in
the front panel
The DAB antenna may not be
Make sure the DAB antenna is firmly
The DAB signals are too weak. Use a high-quality outdoor DAB antenna.
There is no DAB coverage in your
Check with your dealer or WorldDAB online
at “http://www.worlddab.org/” for a listing of
the DAB coverage in your area.
The DAB service
reception is weak.
The positioning of the indoor DAB
antenna and/or this unit is not optimal
for DAB reception.
Use the tuning aid feature to locate the best
positioning of the DAB antenna and this unit
for optimal DAB reception.
The DAB signals are too weak. Use a high-quality outdoor DAB antenna.
There is noise
interference (e.g. hiss
or crackle).
The indoor DAB antenna needs to be
Readjust the position of the indoor DAB
The DAB signals are too weak. Use a high-quality outdoor DAB antenna.
The DAB service
information does not
appear or is
The DAB service may be temporarily
out of service, or the DAB service
information is not provided by the
DAB broadcaster.
Contact the DAB broadcaster.