80 TYROS Owner’s Manual
Mega Voices........................................................................................................................................................
These specially programmed voices are not indicated among the VOICE buttons on the panel. In fact, they are not even
intended to be played from the TYROS keyboard. The Mega voices are primarily designed for use with recorded MIDI
sequence data (such as songs and styles). Some of the guitar and bass voices in particular have been created as Mega
voices for the TYROS, and are easily distinguished from the normal voices by their icons in the Open/Save displays.
What makes Mega voices special is their use of velocity switching. Normal voices use velocity switching, too — to make
the sound quality and/or level of a voice according to how strongly or softly you play it. This makes the TYROS voices
sound authentic and natural. However, with Mega voices, each velocity range (the measure of your playing strength) has
a completely different sound.
For example, a Mega guitar voice includes the sounds of various performance techniques (as shown below). In conven-
tional instruments, different voices having those sounds would be called up via MIDI and played in combination to achieve
the desired effect. However, now with Mega voices, a convincing guitar part can be played with just a single voice, using
specific velocity values to play the desired sounds.
Because of the complex nature of these voices and the precise velocities need to play the sounds, they’re not intended for
playing from the keyboard. They are, however, very useful and convenient when creating MIDI data — especially when
you want to avoid using several different voices just for a single instrument part.
Sound maps for the TYROS’ Mega voices (like the one above) are given in the separate Data List booklet. Take full
advantage of the Mega voices and refer to these maps when creating MIDI sequence data for songs, styles, and Multi Pads.
C-2 C-1 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
The sounds of various guitar performance techniques are inde-
pendently assigned to different velocity and note ranges.
Hammer-on notes
“Dead” notes
Open (hard)
Open (mid)
Open (soft)
Strumming Fret
Example Mega Voice Guitar
Since the Mega voices are fundamentally different from the other voices of the TYROS, you should keep in mind the following points and precau-
tions when working with them.
Unexpected or undesired sounds may result depend-
ing on the settings or conditions below:
• Initial Touch setting in the [FUNCTION]
KEYBOARD/PANEL display (page
• Harmony/Echo settings in the [FUNCTION]
HARMONY/ECHO display (page 154)
• Touch sensitivity-related settings in the Sound
Creator (page 86)
• Playing keys in the left-hand Chord sections when
Stop Accompaniment (page 112) is set to
Unexpected or undesired sounds may result
depending on the settings below, when editing or
creating data for songs, styles, and Multi Pads:
• When selecting a Mega voice from the Revoice
display of a style (page 37).
• When changing the velocity values of several
notes at once in the Event List displays of
song, style, or Multi Pad (page 100).
• When changing the velocity values of several
notes at once with the Velocity Change function
(page 120) and the Dynamics function (page
118) in the Style Creator function.
• When changing the note numbers of several
specified channels at once with the Channel
Transpose function (page 97) in the Song Cre-
ator function.
Mega voices are unique to the TYROS
and are not compatible with other mod-
els. Any song/style/Multi Pad data
you’ve created on the TYROS using the
Mega voices will not sound properly
when played back on other instru-
Maximum Polyphony
The TYROS features a maximum polyphony of 128 notes. Since style playback uses a number of the
available notes, the full 128 notes will not be available on the keyboard when a style is played back.
The same applies to the Voice RIGHT1, RIGHT2, RIGHT3, LEFT, Multi Pad, and Song functions.
When the maximum polyphony is exceeded, notes are played using last-note priority.