Prestige 314 PLUS Broadband Sharing Gateway with 4-Port Switch



Table 1-1 Internet Access Configuration Checklist














System Name


This field is for identification purposes but because some ISPs check this name




you should enter your computer’s “Computer Name”.




In Windows 95/98 click Start, Settings, Control Panel, Network. Click the




Identification tab, note the entry for the Computer Name field and enter it as the




System Name.




In Windows 2000, click Start, Settings, Control Panel, Network




Identification. Click the Identification tab, note the entry for the Computer




Name field and enter it as the System Name.




In Windows XP, click Start, Control Panel, System. Click the Computer




Name tab. Note the entry for the Computer Description field and enter it as the




System Name.


MAC Address:


The default is Factory Default, which is the factory assigned default MAC


Assigned By


Address. We recommend you choose IP Address attached on LAN and enter




the IP address of the workstation on the LAN whose MAC you are cloning.








Choose PPPoE if you have a dial-up connection to the Internet (or PPTP if you




reside in France or Austria); otherwise choose Ethernet. Choose from RR-




Manager, RR-Telstraor RR- Toshiba if your ISP is Time Warner's RoadRunner;




otherwise choose Standard.




You need to know your login name, password and connection ID/Name. The latter




may not be obligatory for some ISPs, but if it is you must follow the “c:id” and




“n:name” format.




You need to know your login name, password and service name. The latter may




not be obligatory for some ISPs.






IP Address


If your ISP did not assign you a fixed IP address, select Dynamic, otherwise




select Static and enter the IP address & subnet mask in the IP address and IP




Subnet Mask fields.





Once these key fields have been configured, you should be able to enjoy super-fast Internet access with your Prestige!

Getting to Know Your Prestige
