SWatch for logs with a compression side to prevent the saw from pinching. See il- lustration above for cutting logs with a compression side.
S Remember your first cut is always on the compression side of the log. (Refer to the illustration below for your first and second cut)
S Your first cut should extend 1/3 of the diameter of the log.
SFinish with your second cut.
Using a log for support
2nd Cut
1st Cut
1st Cut
2nd Cut
Using a support stand | 2nd Cut |
1st Cut
1st Cut
2nd Cut
which can cause you to lose your bal- ance or control of the saw.
SWatch out for spring poles. Spring poles are small size limbs which can whip to- ward you or pull you off balance. Use extreme caution when cutting small size
S Be alert for spring back from any branches that are bent or under pres- sure. Avoid being struck by the branch or the saw when the tension in the wood fibers is released.
S Frequently clear branches out of the way to avoid tripping over them.
SLimb a tree only after it is cut down.
S Leave the larger limbs underneath the felled tree to support the tree as you work.
S Start at the base of the felled tree and work toward the top, cutting branches and limbs. Remove small limbs with one cut.
SKeep tree between you and the chain. S Remove larger branches with the cut- ting techniques described BUCKING
S Always use an overcut to cut small and freely hanging limbs. Undercutting could cause limbs to fall and pinch the saw.
WARNING: Limit pruning to limbs shoulder height or below. Do not cut if branches are higher than your shoulder. Get a professional to do the job.
S Make your first cut 1/3 of the way through the bottom of the limb. This cut will make the limb sag so that it falls easily on the second cut.
S Next make a second cut all the way
through the limb.
SFinish the pruning operation by using an overcut so that the stump of the limb protrudes 1 to 2 inches
WARNING: Be alert for and guard against kickback. Do not allow the mov- ing chain to contact any other branches or objects at the nose of the guide bar when limbing or pruning. Allowing such contact can result in serious injury.
WARNING: Never climb into a tree to limb or prune. Do not stand on lad- ders, platforms, a log, or in any position
Second cut
First cut 1/3 of way
3rd cut 1 to 2 in.