nance of your lawn and garden equipment en- gine. Your emission control system includes parts such as the carburetor and the ignition system. Where a warrantable condition exits, Poulan/Weed Eater will repair your lawn and garden equipment engine at no cost to you. Ex- penses covered under warranty include diag- nosis, parts and labor. MANUFACTURER’S WARRANTY COVERAGE: If any emissions related part on your engine (as listed under Emissions Control Warranty Parts List) is de- fective or a defect in the materials or workman- ship of the engine causes the failure of such an emission related part, the part will be repaired or replaced by Poulan/Weed Eater. OWN- ER’S WARRANTY RESPONSIBILITIES: As the lawn and garden equipment engine owner, you are responsible for the performance of the required maintenance listed in your Owner’s Manual. Poulan/Weed Eater recommends that you retain all receipts covering maintenance on your lawn and garden equipment engine, but Poulan/Weed Eater cannot deny warranty solely for the lack of receipts or for your failure to ensure the performance of all scheduled maintenance. As the lawn and garden equip- ment engine owner, you should be aware that Poulan/Weed Eater may deny you warranty coverage if your lawn and garden equipment engine or a part of it has failed due to abuse, neglect, improper maintenance, unapproved modifications, or the use of parts not made or approved by the original equipment manufac- turer. You are responsible for presenting your lawn and garden equipment engine to a Pou- lan/Weed Eater authorized repair center as soon as a problem exists. Warranty repairs should be completed in a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed 30 days. If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities, you should contact your near- est authorized service center or call Poulan/ Weed Eater at
proved Poulan/Weed Eater servicing center. If you have any questions regarding your war- ranty rights and responsibilities, you should contact your nearest authorized service center or call Poulan/Weed Eater at
MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT AND RE- PAIR OF EMISSION RELATED PARTS: Any Poulan/Weed Eater approved replacement part used in the performance of any warranty maintenance or repair on emission related parts will be provided without charge to the owner if the part is under warranty. EMISSION CONTROL WARRANTY PARTS LIST: Car- buretor, Ignition System: Spark Plug (covered up to maintenance schedule), Ignition Module. MAINTENANCE STATEMENT: The owner is responsible for the performance of all required maintenance as defined in the owner’s manual.
The information on the product label indicates which standard your engine is certified. Example: (Year) EPA Phase 1 or Phase 2 and/or CALIFORNIA.