Operation Safety |
| Basic Controls |
Keep hands and fingers out of
To reduce the risk of serious injury when using this machine, read and understand this entire manual before beginning any operations.
Bodily injury could result from using this machine. Always wear safety goggles, leather work boots, and heavy duty leather work gloves when operating this machine or whenever handling metal.
If you have never used this type of machine or equipment before, WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you read books, trade magazines, or get formal training before beginning any projects. Regardless of the content in this section, Grizzly Industrial will not be held liable for accidents caused by lack of training.
JhZ Figures 12¶13 VcY i]Z YZhXg^ei^dch WZadl id[Vb^a^Vg^oZndjghZa[l^i]i]ZWVh^XdeZgVi^dchd[ i]ZbVX]^cZ#
Foot Pedal: AdlZgh i]Z ide WaVYZ YdlclVgY l]ZchiZeeZYjedc#
Front and Rear Extensions: Hjeedgi aVg\Z ldg`e^ZXZh VcY egdk^YZ bdjci^c\ ed^cih [dg i]Z hideh#B^XgdVY_jhiZghVaadl[dg[^cZVY_jhibZcih#
Rear Stops: 6a^\c ldg`e^ZXZh l]Zc eZg[dgb^c\ gZeZi^i^kZdeZgVi^dch#
Figure 12. Basic controls.
GZVgHide |
7Vg | HXVaZ B^Xgd"6Y_jhiZg |