| WARRANTY | |||||
| ||||||
| COMMENCEMENT | DATE: The | warranty | |||||
| period begins on the date the lawn and garden | |||||||
| equipment engine is purchased. LENGTH | |||||||
| OF COVERAGE: This warranty shall be for a | |||||||
| period of two years from the initial date of | |||||||
YOUR | WARRANTY | RIGHTS | AND | ||||||||||||
purchase. WHAT IS COVERED: REPAIR | |||||||||||||||
OBLIGATIONS: The U. S. Environmental | OR REPLACEMENT OF PARTS. Repair or | ||||||||||||||
Protection Agency and | POULAN/WEED | replacement of any warranted part will be | |||||||||||||
EATER, DIVISION OF WCI OUTDOOR | performed at no charge to the owner at an | ||||||||||||||
PRODUCTS are pleased to explain the | approved POULAN/WEED EATER servicing | ||||||||||||||
emissions control system warranty on your | center. If you have any questions regarding | ||||||||||||||
lawn and garden equipment engine. All new | your warranty rights and responsibilities, you | ||||||||||||||
utility and lawn and garden equipment | should contact your nearest authorized | ||||||||||||||
engines must be designed, built, and | service center or call POULAN/WEED | ||||||||||||||
equipped to meet the stringent | EATER at | WARRANTY | |||||||||||||
standards. POULAN/WEED EATER must | PERIOD: Any warranted part which is not | ||||||||||||||
warrant the emission control system on your | scheduled for replacement as required | ||||||||||||||
lawn and garden equipment engine for the | maintenance, or which is scheduled only for | ||||||||||||||
periods of time listed below provided there has | regular inspection to the effect of “repair or | ||||||||||||||
been no abuse, neglect, or improper | replace as necessary” shall be warranted for 2 | ||||||||||||||
maintenance of your lawn and garden | years. Any warranted part which is scheduled | ||||||||||||||
equipment engine. Your emission control | for replacement as required maintenance | ||||||||||||||
system includes parts such as the carburetor | shall be warranted for the period of time up to | ||||||||||||||
and the ignition system. Where a warrantable | the first scheduled replacement point for that | ||||||||||||||
condition exits, POULAN/WEED EATER will | part. | DIAGNOSIS: The owner shall not be | |||||||||||||
repair your lawn and garden equipment | charged for diagnostic labor which leads to the | ||||||||||||||
engine at no cost to you. Expenses covered | determination that a warranted part is | ||||||||||||||
under warranty include diagnosis, parts and | defective if the diagnostic work is performed at | ||||||||||||||
labor. | MANUFACTURER’S WARRANTY | an | approved POULAN/WEED | EATER | |||||||||||
COVERAGE: If any emissions related part on | servicing | center. | CONSEQUENTIAL | ||||||||||||
your engine (as listed under Emissions | DAMAGES: POULAN/WEED | EATER may | |||||||||||||
Control Warranty Parts List) is defective or a | be liable for damages to other engine | ||||||||||||||
defect in the materials or workmanship of the | components caused by the failure of a | ||||||||||||||
engine causes the failure of such an emission | warranted part still under warranty. WHAT IS | ||||||||||||||
related part, the part will be repaired or | NOT COVERED: All failures caused by | ||||||||||||||
replaced | by POULAN/WEED EATER. | abuse, neglect, or improper maintenance are | |||||||||||||
| WARRANTY | not covered. | |||||||||||
RESPONSIBILITIES: As the lawn and | PARTS: The use of | ||||||||||||||
garden equipment engine owner, you are | can be grounds for disallowing a warranty claim. | ||||||||||||||
responsible for the performance of the | POULAN/WEED EATER is not liable to cover | ||||||||||||||
required maintenance listed in your Owner’s | failures of warranted parts caused by the use | ||||||||||||||
Manual. | POULAN/WEED | EATER | of | ||||||||||||
recommends that you retain all receipts | CLAIM: If you have any questions regarding | ||||||||||||||
covering maintenance on your lawn and | your warranty rights and responsibilities, you | ||||||||||||||
garden | equipment |
| engine, | but | should contact your nearest authorized | ||||||||||
POULAN/WEED | EATER | cannot | deny | service center or call POULAN/WEED | |||||||||||
warranty solely for the lack of receipts or for | EATER at | ||||||||||||||
your failure to ensure the performance of all | GET | WARRANTY | SERVICE: | Warranty | |||||||||||
scheduled maintenance. |
| As the lawn and | services or repairs shall be provided at all | ||||||||||||
garden equipment engine owner, you should | POULAN/WEED EATER service centers. call: | ||||||||||||||
be aware that POULAN/WEED EATER may |
| MAINTENANCE, | |||||||||||||
deny you warranty coverage if your lawn and | REPLACEMENT | AND | REPAIR OF | ||||||||||||
garden equipment engine or a part of it has | EMISSION RELATED PARTS: Any | ||||||||||||||
failed due to abuse, neglect, improper | POULAN/WEED | EATER | approved | ||||||||||||
maintenance, unapproved | modifications, |
| or | replacement part used in the performance of | |||||||||||
the use of parts not made or approved by the | any warranty maintenance or repair on | ||||||||||||||
original | equipment manufacturer. | You | are | emission related parts will be provided without | |||||||||||
responsible for presenting your lawn and | charge to the owner if the part is under | ||||||||||||||
garden | equipment | engine | to |
| a | warranty. | EMISSION | CONTROL | |||||||
POULAN/WEED | EATER | authorized repair | WARRANTY | PARTS LIST: | Carburetor, | ||||||||||
center as soon as a problem exists. Warranty | Ignition System: Spark Plug (covered up to | ||||||||||||||
repairs should be completed in a reasonable | maintenance | schedule), | Ignition | Module. | |||||||||||
amount of time, not to exceed 30 days. If you | MAINTENANCE STATEMENT: The owner is | ||||||||||||||
have any questions regarding your warranty | responsible for the performance of all required | ||||||||||||||
rights and responsibilities, you should contact | maintenance as defined in the owner’s | ||||||||||||||
your nearest authorized service center or call | manual. |
| |||||||||
| at |