IMPOrtAnt WArnInGS FOr StrInG trIMMerS
1.Use the proper size and type of cutting line. Do not use metal wire, rope or the like. Do not use cutting line heavier than that recommended by the manufacturer. See the accessory section of this manual for more detailed information about the proper cutting line to use.
2.Keep the cutting line trimmed to the proper length (done automatically by the appliance). Make sure that the guard is firmly in place, in working order and positioned between yourself and the cutting line.
3.Wear long pants and substantial footwear to protect yourself from injury caused by flying debris. This is especially important when edging with the appliance. Estos toma particular importancia al orillar con la unidad.
SAve tHeSe InStrUctIOnS
AttAcHInG tHe GUArd And edGe GUIde tO tHe trIMMer/edGer
WArnInG: The guard must always be on the tool to protect the user. never OPerAte tOOL WItHOUt GUArd FIrMLY In PLAce.
Unplug the tool before attempting to attach the guard.
1.Locate the edge guide and spread it apart as shown in fig. 1.
2.Attach the edge guide to the housing by locating the two ends into the holes in the housing.
3.See fig. 2 for edge guide assembled on the trimmer.
4.Remove the guard attachment screw from the guard. Slip the guard onto the trimmer housing and lineup the screw hole in the guard with the screw hole in the housing (fig. 3).
5.Insert the guard attachment screw to secure the guard in place as shown in fig. 4.
6.Attach extension cord to cord retainer as shown in figs. 5 & 6.
OPerAtInG InStrUctIOnS FOr BUMP Feed trIMMer
LIne Feed
Your trimmer uses .065” (1.65mm) diameter, rOUnd nylon line to cut grass and weeds quickly and easily. Cutting line will wear faster and require more feeding if the cutting or edging is done along sidewalks or other abrasive surfaces or heavier weeds are being cut. As you use the trimmer, the string will get shorter due to wear. Gently bump the unit on the ground and the line will feed.
cAUtIOn: ALWAYS WeAr eYe PrOtectIOn.
cAUtIOn: Inspect area to be trimmed and remove any wire, cord, or string-like objects which could become entangled in the rotating line or spool. Be particularly careful to avoid any wire which might be bent outwardly into the path of the tool, such as barbs at the base of a chain link fence.
1.Angle unit as shown in fig. 7.
2.Slowly swing trimmer side-to-side as shown in fig. 8.
3.To convert for maintenance edging, turn off the tool. Holding the trimmer (as shown in fig. 9) with one hand by the auxiliary handle, grasp the trimmer head collar, push in direction of arrow and rotate the trimmer head clockwise (when viewed from the switch end) until it stops, (half turn), release your hand. The tool is locked in the edger position.
4.To operate as a maintenance edger, position trimmer above sidewalk as shown in fig. 10.
5.Return to trimming position by turning the tool off, pushing in direction of arrow and rotating the trimmer head counter clockwise until it stops.
reLOAdInG LIne
USe OnLY .065" (1.65MM) dIAMeter nYLOn MOnOFILAMent LIne
overload the motor and cause overheating. This line is available at your local dealer or authorized service center.
Do not use fishing line or other lines that are not recommended.
1.Unplug extension cord at trimmer.
2.Remove the bump cap by pulling up while depressing the two release tabs on the sides of the hub at the points shown in fig. 11.
nOte: It may be necessary to pull up on the cap while depressing the release tabs one side at a time.
3.Remove any broken cutting line, wrap the remaining line tight and reinsert spool into hub as follows.
a.Wind the line tight enough so that it is all below the edges of the flanges on the spool. If it extends past the flanges, it won’t fit into the hub.
b.Place the loose end of the cutting line through the gap in the spool flange as shown in fig. 12. (Either gap will do but try to leave yourself about 3 or 4 inches of line to work with.)
c.Holding the line in the gap, insert the end through the eyelet in the hub and slip the spool into the hub, as shown in fig. 13. Make sure the spring is still in place in the hub. If the spool does not slip into the hub easily, press gently and pull straight out on the cutting line that protrudes through the eyelet.
4.Once the spool drops into the hub, align the release tabs on the shroud with the slots in the hub as shown in fig. 14 and press the shroud into place. Be sure that both release tabs snap into place.
5.To replace the line on a spool, follow the steps below:
a.Locate, on the empty spool, one of the two small holes shown in fig. 15.
b.Insert the end of the line no more than 1/8" into the hole and begin winding the line around the spool (fig. 16).
Be sure to wind the line in the direction of the arrow in fig. 17. Do not overfill spool. The spool holds 20 feet (6m) of line.
c.Perform steps 3 and 4 above.
SPOOL Or LIne rePLAceMent
USe OnLY .065" (1.65MM) dIAMeter nYLOn MOnOFILAMent LIne
Heavier line will overload the motor and cause overheating. This line is available at your local dealer or authorized service center.
OPtIOn 1: AcceSSOrY rePLAceMent SPOOL
Use Black & Decker replacement spool Model No. AF-100. Discard old spool.
Bulk line for your trimmer/edger is available at extra cost from your local dealer or Black & Decker Service Center. To install bulk line, follow the steps below. (Use .065” diameter rOUnd line only)
Use only mild soap and damp cloth to clean the tool. Never let any liquid get inside the tool; never immerse any part of the tool into a liquid.
IMPOrtAnt: To assure product SAFetY and reLIABILItY, repairs, maintenance and adjustment should be performed by Black & Decker service centers or other qualified service organizations, always using identical replacement parts.
Recommended accessories for use with your tool are available from your local dealer or authorized service center.
WArnInG: The use of any accessory not recommended for use with this tool could be hazardous.
ServIce InFOrMAtIOn
Black & Decker offers a full network of company-owned and authorized service locations. All Black & Decker Service Centers are staffed with trained personnel to provide customers with efficient and reliable power tool service. For more information about our authorized service centers and if you need technical advice, repair, or genuine factory replacement parts, contact the Black & Decker location nearest you, or visit us at
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Importado por: Black & Decker Argentina S.A.
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Importado por: Black & Decker de Colombia, S.A.
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Tel. (52) 555-326-7100
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