Other Menu Items
Current Outdoor Air Temperature (OAT):
1.See Screen 1 shown in Figure 5.
2.This screen displays the most recent outdoor temperature received from the WTS, and the hours and minutes since the last transmission received.
Signal Strength:
1.See Screen 2 shown in Figure 5.
2.This screen displays a visual representation of the connection strength between the AWM and WTS. The number of darkened bars (between 0 and 16, with 16 being the strongest) indicates the strength. A mimimum of 3 bars are recommended for reliable operation, while at least 6 indicate a good connection. Pressing the WTS button once will update this value.
Current WTS Battery Life:
1.See Screen 3 shown in Figure 5.
2.This screen displays the most recent report of the battery life of the WTS in percentage of battery life left and estimated years of service left. If less than a year of service life is expected, the screen will say “REPLACE”.
Adding Connections:
1.See Screen 9 shown in Figure 5.
2.This screen is used when linking two devices when a new one has been added (see Installation Section).
Clearing Connections:
1.See Screen 10 shown in Figure 5.
2.This screen is used when clearing a link between two devices that is no longer needed (see Installation Section).
Broadcast Once:
1.See Screen 11 shown in Figure 5.
2.This screen may be used in linking procedures with future Beckett wireless products.