Karcher PRESSURE WASHER, KB 2020 manual Problem Possible Cause Correction

Page 18

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Machine refuses

Plug not connected

Connect plug

to start




Defective socket

Try another socket


Fuse blown

Change the fuse


Defective extension cable

Try without extension cable


Wrong mains voltage

Check mains voltage corresponds to



specifications of machin




Pump stops

Fuse blown

Change fuse and check size of extension





Overheating due to poor

Check inlet water flow rate - hose should


water Supply

fill a 10 litre bucket in one minute




Strong pressure

Nozzle partly blocked

Clean dirt from nozzle hole with needle



and rinse from the front




Machine does not

Nozzle blocked/worn out

Clean/replace nozzle

reach operating




Inadequate mains water

Check inlet water flow rate


Inlet hose squeezed

Straighten out hose


Water filter clogged

Clean filter


(3.1 item 5)



Inlet hose blocked

Check hose for leaks or blockages




No detergent

Wrong pressure

Use SprayGun without Spray Lance





Blocked Detergent Filter

Unblock Filter








Image 18
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