Karcher G 2500 PH manual Instrucciones DE Operación

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18Paso 2




Paso 3



Paso 4

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Paso 5



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Paso 7


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Paso 8

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Paso 9

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Contents 2500 PH Specifications High Pressure Washer Operator ManualModel G 2500 PH Overview Important Precautions Read First Assembly Instructions Operating Instructions Using the Accessories Working with Detergents Shutting Down Cleaning Tips House SidingCleaning Tips Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Manual del Operador EspecificacionesKärcher En USA Kärcher En Mexico Generalidades DEL Modelo G 2500 PH Precauciones Importantes Instrucciones DE Ensamblaje Instrucciones DE Operación USO DE LOS Accesorios Trabajo CON Detergentes Desconexión Y Limpieza Sugerencias DE Limpieza Patios de Cemento, Ladrillo ySugerencias DE Limpieza continuación Parrillas para Carne, Equipo Motorizado para Exteriores yLocalizacion DE Fallas Mecanicas Localización DE Fallas Mecanicas continuación Service à la clientèle Kärcher CDN Nettoyeur haute pression Manuel d’utilisationCaractéristiques Modèle G 2500 PH Généralités Précautions Importantes Lire d’abord Instructions D’ASSEMBLAGE Instructions D’OPÉRATION Emploi DES Accessoires Emploi DE Détergents Arrêt DE L’APPAREIL Conseils DE Nettoyage Patios de ciment, de brique et deConseils DE Nettoyage Suite Dépannage Troubleshooting Service à la clientèle CDN Dépannage Suite Garantie CDNPage

G 2500 PH specifications

The Karcher G 2500 PH is a powerful and versatile pressure washer designed for both residential and light commercial use. This machine delivers robust cleaning capabilities, making it perfect for tackling tough outdoor cleaning tasks such as driveways, patios, vehicles, and garden furniture.

One of the standout features of the G 2500 PH is its impressive 2500 PSI maximum operating pressure, which ensures that it can effectively remove dirt, grime, and stains from various surfaces. The flow rate of 2.4 GPM allows for efficient water usage while still delivering substantial cleaning power. The combination of high pressure and adequate flow rate enables users to complete washing tasks quickly and effectively.

This pressure washer is powered by a reliable Honda engine, known for its longevity and efficiency. The engine provides ample power for demanding applications and allows for easy starting. The G 2500 PH is equipped with a durable pump that has been specifically designed for high-pressure cleaning, featuring a brass pump head that enhances durability and longevity.

The Karcher G 2500 PH comes with a variety of nozzles, including a 0° nozzle for concentrated cleaning, a 15° nozzle for medium cleaning, and a soap nozzle for applying detergent. This versatility allows users to choose the right nozzle for the specific cleaning task at hand, optimizing efficiency and effectiveness. The integrated detergent tank further simplifies the cleaning process, enabling users to switch between water and soap quickly and hassle-free.

Ergonomics also play a significant role in the design of the G 2500 PH. It features an adjustable handle that ensures comfort during operation. The wheeled design allows for easy maneuvering, providing flexibility in movement across various terrains and surfaces.

Safety is also taken into account with features such as a safety trigger that prevents accidental startups and an integrated thermal relief system that protects the pump from overheating during extended use.

Overall, the Karcher G 2500 PH is a robust and efficient pressure washer that combines power, versatility, and ease of use, making it an excellent choice for homeowners and light commercial users seeking reliable outdoor cleaning solutions. Its innovative technologies and thoughtful design make it a standout option in its category.