Steps for installation:
1.Choose a level location with access to a
2.The treater is
and one tank for liquid chemical application.
3. Liquid Application - The treater is delivered from the factory with the liquid tank installed. This system is capable of applying liquids, flowables or
General Calibration
80 bushels per hour of soybean seed, other types of seed may not flow through the treater as freely; therefore capacity may vary. The seed gate opening can be adjusted to regulate seed flow from the hopper. An adjustment clamp can be found on the right front side of the treater, just above the power switches. To increase or decrease the seed gate opening, loosen the nut, move the adjustment clamp up or down, and retighten the nut. A good starting point is set to the seed gate approximately 3/4 open.
Seed Calibration
Before beginning chemical calibration, it is best to calibrate the seed flow. 1. Close the seed gate. 2. Place a known quantity of seed in the hopper. 3. Make sure a collection bag is placed below the
4.Set the seed gate adjustment clamp to 3/4 open (or locked at the desired opening). 5. Open the seed gate completely until it stops at the seed gate adjustment clamp and keep track of the time it took this known quantity of seed to empty out of the hopper.
Example: 1 bushel of soybean seed was placed in the hopper. It took 1 minute for the seed to flow out of the hopper. You know your treating rate is 60 bushels an hour. (1 bushel per minute x 60 minutes per hour = 60 bushels per hour).