Congratulations on your purchase of a quality Orion telescope. Your new SkyView Pro 100mm ED EQ is an exceptional instrument for observing and imaging astronomical objects. The ED glass of the objec- tive lens ensures you’ll enjoy star, Moon, and planetary images with far less color distortion than seen in standard refractors. Other features, such as the smooth Crayford focuser, precision machined lens cell, and deluxe aluminum focusing knobs also attest to the overall high quality of the telescope. With the sturdy SkyView Pro equatorial mount, you’ll be able to enjoy steady viewing of thousands of the night sky’s fascinating celestial targets.
These instructions will help you set up, properly use, and care for your telescope. Please read them over thoroughly before getting started.
Table of Contents
1. Unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2. Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4.Balancing the Telescope . . . . . . 5
5.Using Your Telescope . . . . . . . . 6
6.Setting Up and Using the
Equatorial Mount . . . . . . . . . 8
7.Astronomical Observing . . . . . . 12
8.Terrestrial Observing . . . . . . . 15
9.Astrophotography . . . . . . . . 16
10.Care and Maintenance . . . . . . 17
11.Specifications . . . . . . . . . . 17
Warning: Never look directly at the Sun through your telescope or its finder
2. Parts List
Qty. Description
1 Tripod
1Equatorial mount
1Tripod support tray
1Central support shaft (attached to tripod)
1Tube ring mounting plate
2Tube rings with mounting screws
1 Counterweight shaft
1R.A. axis rear cover
2Latitude adjustment
1Optical tube assembly
125mm Sirius Plössl eyepiece, 1.25" barrel diameter
110mm Sirius Plössl eyepiece, 1.25" barrel diameter
12" Star diagonal with 1.25" adapter
1Finder scope
1Finder scope bracket with
1Dust cover (attached to optical tube)
1Camera adapter (attached to optical tube)
1Small crescent wrench
1. Unpacking
The SkyView Pro 100mm ED EQ will arrive in one box; be care- ful unpacking the box. We recommend keeping the box and all original packaging. In the event that the telescope needs to be shipped to another location, or returned to Orion for warranty repair, having the proper box and packaging will help ensure that your telescope will survive the journey intact.
Make sure all the parts in the Parts List are present. Be sure to check each box carefully, as some parts are small. If anything appears to be missing or broken, immediate- ly call Orion Customer Support
3. Assembly
Assembling the telescope for the first time should take about 30 minutes. No tools are needed other than the provided cres- cent wrench. All screws should be tightened securely, but be careful not to
During assembly (and anytime, for that matter), do not touch the surfaces of the lenses of the telescope, finder scope, or eyepieces with your fingers. The optical surfaces have delicate coatings on them that can easily be damaged if touched inap- propriately. Never remove any lens assembly from its housing for any reason, or the product warranty and return policy will be voided.