Orion 9862 instruction manual What to Expect, Finding Deep-Sky Objects Starhopping

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What to Expect

So what will you see with your telescope? You should be able to see bands on Jupiter, the rings of Saturn, craters on the moon, the waxing and waning of Venus, and possibly hun- dreds of deep sky objects. Do not expect to see as much color as you in NASA photos, since those are taken with long-expo- sure cameras and have “false color” added. Our eyes are not sensitive enough to see color in deep-sky objects except in a few of the brightest ones.

Remember that you are seeing these objects using your own telescope with your own eyes! The object you see in your eyepiece is in real-time, and not some conveniently provided image from an expensive space probe. Each session with your telescope will be a learning experience. Each time you work with your telescope it will get easier to use, and stellar objects will become easier to find. Take it from us, there is big difference between looking at a well-made full-color NASA image of a deep-sky object in a lit room during the daytime, and seeing that same object in your telescope at night. One can merely be a pretty image someone gave to you. The other is an experience you will never forget!

A. The Moon

With is rocky and cratered surface, the moon is one of the most interesting and easy subjects for your scope. The best time to view it is during its partial phases when shadows fall on the craters and canyon walls to give its features definition. While the full moon may look like a tempting target, it is actu- ally the worst time for viewing! The light of a full moon is too bright and lacks any decent surface definition.

Use an optional Moon filter to dim the Moon when it is very bright. It simply threads onto the bottom of the eyepiece (you must first remove the eyepiece from the focuser to attach the filter). You’ll find the Moon filter improves viewing comfort, and helps bring out the subtle features in the lunar surface.

B. The Planets

The planets don’t stay put like stars do, so you will have to refer to charts published monthly on our website, telescope. com, or other astronomy references to locate them. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are the brightest objects in the sky after the Sun and the Moon. All four of these planets are not normally visible in the sky at one time, but chances are one or two of them will be. Other planets will also be visible at times, but will appear star-like when viewed through your telescope.

JUPITER The largest planet, Jupiter, is a great subject to observe. You can see the disk of the giant planet and watch the ever-changing positions of its four largest moons, Io, Callisto, Europa, and Ganymede. If atmospheric conditions are good, you may be able to resolve thin cloud bands on the planet’s disk.

SATURN The ringed planet is a breathtaking sight when it is well positioned. The tilt angle of the rings varies over a period of many years; sometimes they are seen edge-on, while at other times they are broadside and look like giant “ears” on each side of Saturn’s disk. A steady atmosphere (good see- ing) is necessary for a good view. You may see a tiny, bright “star” close by; that’s Saturn’s brightest moon, Titan.

VENUS At its brightest, Venus is the most luminous object in the sky, excluding the Sun and the Moon. It is so bright that sometimes it is visible to the naked eye during full daylight! Ironically, Venus appears as a thin crescent, not a full disk, when at its peak brightness. Because it is so close to the Sun, it never wanders too far from the morning or evening horizon. No surface markings can be seen on Venus, which is always shrouded in dense clouds.

MARS If atmospheric conditions are good, you may be able to see some subtle surface detail on the Red Planet, possibly even the polar ice cap. Mars makes a close approach to Earth every two years; during those approaches its disk is larger and thus more favorable for viewing.

C. The Sun

You can change your nighttime scope into a daytime Sun view- er by installing an optional full-aperture solar-filter over the front opening of the AstroView 100 EQ. The primary attraction is sunspots, which change in shape, appearance, and location daily. Sunspots are directly related to magnetic activity in the sun and follow an 11 year cycle. Many observers like to make drawings of sunspots to monitor how the sun is changing from day to day.

Important Note: Do not look at the Sun with any optical instrument without a professionally made solar filter, or permanent eye damage could result. Also remember to cover or remove the finder scope before attempting to view the sun.

D. Stars

Stars will appear like twinkling points of light in the telescope. Even the largest telescopes cannot magnify stars to appear as anything more than points of light! You can, however, enjoy the different colors of the stars and locate many pretty double and multiple stars. The famous “Double-Double” in the con- stellation Lyra and the gorgeous two-color double star Albireo in Cygnus are favorites. Defocusing the image of a star slightly can help bring out its color.

E. Deep-Sky Objects

Under dark skies, you can observe a number of brighter deep- sky objects with your AstroView 100 EQ, including gaseous nebulas, open and globular star clusters, and the brighter gal- axies. Most deep-sky objects are very faint, so it is important that you find an observing site well away from light pollution. Take plenty of time to let your eyes adjust to the darkness. As you become more experienced and your observing skills improve, you will be able to coax out more and more intricate details.

Finding Deep-Sky Objects: Starhopping

Starhopping, as it is called by astronomers, is perhaps the sim- plest way to hunt down objects to view in the night sky. It entails first pointing the telescope at a star close to the object you wish to observe, and then progressing to other stars closer and closer to the object until it is in the field of view of the eyepiece. It is a very intuitive technique that has been employed for hundreds of years by professional and amateur astronomers alike. Keep in mind,


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Contents Orion AstroView 100 EQ Finder scope Assembly Table of ContentsParts List 6x30 finder scope Getting Started Installing the Finder ScopeInserting the Eyepiece Balancing the TelescopeFocusing the Telescope Setting up and Using the Equatorial MountFocusing the finder scope Viewing with EyeglassesPolar Alignment RightAligning the Polar Axis Finder Scope Polar Axis Finder ScopeTracking Celestial Objects Using the Polar Axis FinderOptional Motor Drive Calibrating the Right Ascension Setting Circle Understanding the Setting CirclesFinding Objects With the Setting Circles H 35.4m Dec. -5Site Selection Astronomical ObservingCooling Your Telescope Seeing and Transparency600mm25mm = Calculating Magnification PowerUse of 2 Eyepieces Finding Deep-Sky Objects Starhopping What to ExpectPhotography Terrestrial ObservingCleaning Lenses Care and MaintenanceCollimation Specifications One-Year Limited Warranty