Orion 102mm EQ Using Your Telescope- Astronomical Observing, a.b c.d, Choosing an Observing Site

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Figure 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d. This illustration shows the telescope pointed in the four cardinal directions: (a) north, (b) south, (c) east, (d) west. Note that the tripod and mount have not been moved; only the telescope tube has been moved on the R.A. and Dec. axes.

6.Using Your Telescope— Astronomical Observing

Choosing an Observing Site

When selecting a location for observing, get as far away as possible from direct artificial light such as street lights, porch lights, and automobile headlights. The glare from these lights will greatly impair your dark-adapted night vision. Set up on a grass or dirt surface, not asphalt, because asphalt radiates more heat. Heat disturbs the surrounding air and degrades the images seen through the telescope. Avoid viewing over rooftops and chimneys, as they often have warm air currents rising from them. Similarly, avoid observing from indoors through an open (or closed) window, because the tempera-

ture difference between the indoor and outdoor air will cause image blurring and distortion.

If at all possible, escape the light-polluted city sky and head for darker country skies. You’ll be amazed at how many more stars and deep-sky objects are visible in a dark sky!

“Seeing” and Transparency

Atmospheric conditions vary significantly from night to night. “Seeing” refers to the steadiness of the Earth’s atmosphere at a given time. In conditions of poor seeing, atmospheric turbu- lence causes objects viewed through the telescope to “boil”. If, when you look up at the sky with just your eyes, the stars are twinkling noticeably, the seeing is bad and you will be limited to viewing with low powers (bad seeing affects images at high powers more severely). Planetary observing may also be poor.

In conditions of good seeing, star twinkling is minimal and images appear steady in the eyepiece. Seeing is best over- head, worst at the horizon. Also, seeing generally gets better after midnight, when much of the heat absorbed by the Earth during the day has radiated off into space.

Especially important for observing faint objects is good “trans- parency”—air free of moisture, smoke, and dust. All tend to scatter light, which reduces an object’s brightness. Transparency is judged by the magnitude of the faintest stars you can see with the unaided eye (6th magnitude or fainter is desirable).

Cooling the Telescope

All optical instruments need time to reach “thermal equilibri- um”. The bigger the instrument and the larger the temperature change, the more time is needed. Allow at least 30 minutes for your telescope to cool to the temperature outdoors. In very cold climates (below freezing), it is essential to store the tele- scope as cold as possible. If it has to adjust to more than a 40° temperature change, allow at least one hour.

Let Your Eyes Dark-Adapt

Don’t expect to go from a lighted house into the darkness of the outdoors at night and immediately see faint nebulas, galaxies, and star clusters—or even very many stars, for that matter.Your eyes take about 30 minutes to reach perhaps 80% of their full dark-adapted sensitivity. As your eyes become dark-adapted, more stars will glimmer into view and you’ll be able to see fainter details in objects you view in your telescope.

To see what you’re doing in the darkness, use a red-filtered flashlight rather than a white light. Red light does not spoil your eyes’ dark adaptation like white light does. A flashlight with a red LED light is ideal, or you can cover the front of a regular incandescent flashlight with red cellophane or paper. Beware, too, that nearby porch and streetlights and car head- lights will ruin your night vision.

Eyepiece Selection

By using eyepieces of varying focal lengths, it is possible to attain many magnifications with the StarMax 102mm EQ. The telescope comes with one high-quality 25mm Sirius Plossl, which gives a magnification of 52x. Other eyepieces can be used to achieve higher or lower powers. It is quite common for


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Contents E-mail support@telescope.com #9824 Equatorial Maksutov-Cassegrain TelescopeCustomer Support Orion StarMax 102mm EQFinder scope Finder scope bracket Eyepiece Star diagonal 2. Parts List Table of Contents1. Unpacking Latitude adjustment t-bolt Latitude lock t-bolt Azimuth lock knob 3. AssemblyDec. slow-motion control cable Dec. setting circle R.A. setting circle lock thumbscrew R.A. setting circleEyepiece end of finder scope Alignment thumb screws O-ring 4. Getting StartedSpring-loaded tensioner Balancing the TelescopeDo You Wear Eyeglasses? Focusing the TelescopeAligning the Finder Scope Alignment 5. Setting Up and Using the Equatorial MountObjective lens FocusUse of the R.A. and Dec. Slow-Motion Control Cables Understanding the Setting CirclesCalibrating the Right Ascension Setting Circle Tracking Celestial ObjectsPlastic R.A. gear cover R.A. coordinate indicator arrow Dec. coordinate indicator arrow Celestial equator Dec. =Use these numbers on the R.A. setting circle Northern Hemisphere Finding Objects With the Setting CirclesChoosing an Observing Site 6. Using Your Telescope- Astronomical Observinga.b c.d “Seeing” and TransparencyC. The Planets A. The MoonB. The Sun Magnification = focal length of telescope ÷ focal length of eyepieceHow to Find Deep-Sky Objects Star Hopping D. The StarsE. Deep-Sky Objects 8. Photography 9. Care and Maintenance7. Terrestrial Viewing Cleaning the Tube10. Specifications Page One-Year Limited Warranty Orion Telescopes & BinocularsPost Office Box 1815, Santa Cruz, CA Customer Support Help Line 800676-1343 Day or EveningStar-Testing the Telescope Collimating Orion StarMax and Apex Maksutov-Cassegrain TelescopesCollimating the StarMax/Apex Figure 2a If the alignment screw is a small screw If the alignment screw is a large screwFinishing Collimation