On both the remote and the front panel, the TAPE select between the active main input or the tape input
It is also used to scroll to the right in the setup menu.
When in STANDBY mode the red LED is engaged, the display is off and the out- puts are muted. The unit remains warmed up and ready for use when taken out of standby.
eVo2i Back Panel
Inputs 1 to 4
Standard line level inputs. Input 1 is bal- anced and may be used with unbal- anced sources using an RCA to XLR adapter.
Tape In/Tape Out
Tape loop function: Tape In selected routes the Tape In jacks to the main out- puts. The main input
the Main input selector is be routed to the buffered Tape Output.
Line Out
Line Out is a buffered preamplifier out- put which tracks the volume setting on the front panel. This can be used to drive the line level input on a subwoofer, for example.
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