Finding Movies by Director Finding Movies by Theme
You can also search for movies that have a specific director. Also, by se- lecting more than one director, MovieViews searches for films di- rected by all of the selected directors.
1.Select Directors from the Search menu.
2.Begin typing a director’s name (e.g., Stone, Oliver).
3.Press ENTER when the director is highlighted.
4. Press or MENU to view movies.
5.Press ENTER to select a movie.
6.To return to the Directors menu, press BACK .
7.Press CLEAR when done.
You can search through 550 movie themes, and some movies have more than 10 themes. A theme is the central idea of the film (e.g., Drama, Abduc- tion (1975). You can search for films that share more than one theme.
1.Press THEME (blue), or select from the Search menu, and then press ENTER .
2.Begin typing the desired theme (e.g., desert).
3.When the theme is high- lighted, press ENTER .
4. Press or MENU to view movies.
5.Press ENTER to select a movie.
6.To return to the Theme menu, press BACK .
7.Press CLEAR when done.