Installing Acoustic Edge
7.After clicking “Finish” the Philips Acoustic Edge™ GamePort will be installed. It is possible during gameport installation, Windows® will detect newer versions of msanalog.vxd, vjoyd.vxd and msjstick.drv. It is recommended that you keep your existing files. Click YES on all 3 screens that appear.
8.Next, the software launcher will allow you to open the Acoustic Edge control panel and configure your speaker settings if desired. Select YES to modify these settings now, or select NO to modify later. Speaker settings are described under the Settings Tab in this manual.
Note: Any time you say No to a Applications Launcher dialog box like the one shown above, a second box will appear asking if you want to launch the next time Windows is started. Answer Yes or No as desired.
9. Next, the DirectX® Setup dialog box will appear. Click OK.
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