Philips 241B4LPYCB Package. Monitor drivers .inf and .icm, How do I adjust the resolution?, Ans

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9.Troubleshooting & FAQs

package. Monitor drivers (.inf and .icm



How do I adjust the resolution?


Your video card/graphic driver and


monitor together determine the


available resolutions.You can select the


desired resolution under Windows®


Control Panel with the "Display




What if I get lost when I am making


monitor adjustments via OSD?


Simply press the OK button, then select


'Reset' to recall all of the original factory




Is the LCD screen resistant to




In general it is recommended that


the panel surface is not subjected to


excessive shocks and is protected from


sharp or blunt objects. When handling


the monitor, make sure that there is


no pressure or force applied to the


panel surface side.This may affect your


warranty conditions.


How should I clean the LCD surface?


For normal cleaning, use a clean, soft


cloth. For extensive cleaning, please use


isopropyl alcohol. Do not use other


solvents such as ethyl alcohol, ethanol,


acetone, hexane, etc.


Can I change the color setting of my




Yes, you can change your color setting


through OSD control as the following



‡ Press "OK" to show the OSD (On Screen Display) menu

‡ Press "Down Arrow" to select the option "Color" then press "OK" to enter color setting, there are three settings as below.

1.Color Temperature:The six settings are 5000K, 6500K, 7500K, 8200K, 9300K and 11500K. With settings in the 5000K range the panel appears "warm, with a red-white color tone", while a 11500K temperature yields "cool, bluewhite toning".

2.sRGB:This is a standard setting for ensuring correct exchange of colors between different device (e.g. digital cameras, monitors, printers, scanners, etc).

3. 8VHU'HÀQH7KHXVHUFDQFKRRVHKLV her preference color setting by adjusting red, green blue color.


A measurement of the color of light radiated by an object while it is being heated.This measurement is expressed in terms of absolute scale, (degrees Kelvin). Lower Kevin temperatures such as 2004K are red; higher temperatures such as 9300K are blue. Neutral temperature is white, at 6504K.

Q9: Can I connect my LCD monitor to any PC, workstation or Mac?

Ans.: Yes. All Philips LCD monitors are fully compatible with standard PCs, Macs and workstations.You may need a cable adapter to connect the monitor to your Mac system. Please contact your Philips sales representative for more information.

Q10: Are Philips LCD monitors Plug-and- Play?

Ans.: Yes, the monitors are Plug-and-Play compatible with Windows 7/Vista/XP/ NT, Mac OSX, Linux

Q11: What is Image Sticking, or Image Burn- in, or After Image, or Ghost Image in LCD panels?

Ans.: Uninterrupted display of still or static images over an extended period


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Contents Customer care and warranty Troubleshooting & FAQs Table of Contents Safety precautions and maintenance OperationNotational Descriptions Disposal of product and packing material Waste Electrical and Electronic EquipmentWeee Taking back/Recycling Information for CustomersPackage contents Setting up the monitorInstallation Setting up the monitor Operating the monitor WKHPRQLWRUÀUPO\OFF Movie, Game, Economy, OffOSD Menu Basic and simple instruction on the control keysTo move the cursor, and press button to FRQÀUPWKHFKRLFHRUFKDQJHHeight adjustment Remove the Base Assembly for Vesa Mounting Image Optimization SmartImageFirst launch -Wizard SmartContrastPhilips SmartControl Premium Image Optimization Image Optimization First Color Calibration Screen OptionAuto Pivot Image Optimization  7HFKQLFDO6XSSRUW Displays the tech support  7XQHLVSOD\ Opens the SmartControl Premium control panel7KHWDVNWUD\KDVÀYHHQWULHV SmartDesktop Guide Other alternative path VistaTitle Bar Options Image Optimization RUPDLQWDLQKRULRQWDOFRQÀJXUDWLRQ  6PDUWHVNWRS3DUWLWLRQHÀQLWLRQVRUPDLQWDLQYHUWLFDOFRQÀJXUDWLRQ Name Description Image Into four Evenly sized regionsPowerSensor Setting Default settingsCustom settings Landscape/Portrait modeTechnical Specifications LCDLED YESMtbf Rohs YES Epeat6SHFLÀF6XEVWDQFHV TICK, UKRAINIAN, CCC, CecpResolution & Preset Modes Power Management 3RZHU0DQDJHPHQWHÀQLWLRQFor more information, please visit Regulatory Information&HUWLÀHGGJH Lead-free Product Epeat Electronic Product EnvironmentalProduct also comply with the following standards ‡ GS EK1-20002013 GS mark requirementEnergy Star Declaration Federal Communications Commission FCC Notice U.S. OnlyEN 55022 Compliance Czech Republic Only 3ROLVK&HQWHUIRU7HVWLQJDQG&HUWLÀFDWLRQVarning Bsmi Notice Taiwan Only Ergonomie Hinweis nur DeutschlandNur original-Ersatzteile verwendet werden Achtung Beim AufstellenChina RoHS RoHSCustomer care and warranty Philips’ Flat Panel Monitors Pixel Defect PolicyPixels and Sub pixels Types of Pixel DefectsProximity of Pixel Defects For the proximity of pixel defectsTables Total bright dot defects of all typesCustomer Care & Warranty RTSMSI Anovo CHIBA FujitsuAMC CPSContact Information for Apmea region 2SHQLQJKRXUV+RULRQWDOÁLFNHUDSSHDUV Troubleshooting9HUWLFDOÁLFNHUDSSHDUV SmartControl Premium FAQs General FAQs Recommended resolution for thisDo if the screen shows Cannot Display this video mode?How do I adjust the resolution? Desired resolution under WindowsWhat if I get lost when I am making Monitor adjustments via OSD?Troubleshooting & FAQs 6SHFLÀFDWLRQVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFH