IBM WAVV 2004 manual Steps for installation of Vsam Redirector server on Windows

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Chapter1: Steps for installation of VSAM Redirector server on Windows

STEP1.1: Navigate to VSE Redirector Server home page

Open the VSE Homepage with a web browser:

Click on "Service and Support" on the left side and then on "e-business connectors and utilities".

The page you see contains the VSAM Redirector Server and some tools that can be downloaded for free.

Navigate to the VSAM Redirector Server which represents the remote component of the VSAM Redirector.

Click on:

Details and Download

The page explains the most important functions of the

VSAM Redirector Server, which is the Java part of the

VSAM Redirector function.

Image 5
Contents VSE Connectors Workshop VSE Connectors Workshop VSE/ESA 2.6/2.7 Vsam Redirector TCP/IP Redirect Vsam requests to a Html On Windows OverviewNavigate to VSE Redirector Server home Steps for installation of Vsam Redirector server on WindowsInstall JDK if not on the system Steps for installation on a WorkstationVerification if Java environment installed Download latest Code via Html Download VSE Redirector server CodeJava install Install VSE Redirector ServerVerify Redirector server Documentation Verify installation Vsam Redirector ServerStart VSE Redirector server For Windows Start Programs Vsam Redirector Online HelpRedirector Server Handler Redirect a Vsam requests to a HtmlConfiguration for Redirector Client on VSE\ESA VSE Settings to redirect a Vsam clusterAccess the Vsam file with Ditto Change Handler to read Vsam record as string Redirect a Vsam file To HtmlSummary Goal Redirect Vsam requests To a DB2 database on WindowsField name Type Offset Length Redirect a Vsam file to DB2CLASSPATH% Ksds FFSTORES.REPRO.CLUSTER FFSTORES.REPRO.CLUSTERFinished FFSTORES.DEMO.CLUSTERAdditional Information