Fujitsu Siemens Computers E8310 Hard Disk Security Submenu of the Security Menu, Menu Field, Info

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Hard Disk Security Submenu of the Security Menu

S e c u r i t y M e n u

Hard Disk Security Submenu of the Security Menu

The Hard Disk Security submenu is for configuring hard disk security features.




Phoenix TrustedCore(tm) Setup Utility















Hard Disk Security


Item Specific Help





















Set Master Password






Set User Password










Not Available





Set Master Password






Set User Password







Password Entry on Boot:























F1 Help






ESC Exit






Figure 15. Hard Disk Security Submenu

F9 Setup Defaults

F10 Save and Exit

Table 15: Fields, Options and Defaults for the Hard Disk Security Submenu of the Security Menu

Menu Field















Display-only. Default is Clear. When the Drive0 Password has been set, the field




changes to Set. When this password is set, the primary hard disk drive cannot be




used in another system unless the password is entered.





Set Master



Sets, changes or cancels the Drive0 Master Password. The Drive0 Master Password




may be up to seven characters long and must include only letters or numbers (no




symbols). Passwords are NOT case-sensitive. When a Drive0 Master Password is set,




it must be used to access the hard drive if it is used in another system. Note that the




password will not take effect until the system has been rebooted.





Set User Password



Sets, changes or cancels the Drive0 User Password. The Drive0 User Password may




be up to seven characters long and must include only letters or numbers (no sym-




bols). Passwords are NOT case-sensitive. When a Drive0 User Password is set, it




must be used to access the modular hard drive if it is used in another system. Note




that the password will not take effect until the system has been rebooted.








Display-only. Default is Not Available. When Drive1 Password has been set, the field




changes to Set. When this password is set, the secondary (modular) hard disk drive




cannot be used in another system unless the password is entered.





Set Master



Sets, changes or cancels the Drive1 Master Password. The Drive1 Master Password




may be up to seven characters long and must include only letters or numbers (no




symbols). Passwords are NOT case-sensitive. When a Drive1Master Password is set,




it must be used to access the hard drive if it is used in another system. Note that the




password will not take effect until the system has been rebooted.






Image 23
Contents F U J I T S U C O M P U T E R S Y S T E M S C O R P O R AT I O N BIOS GuideFujitsu LifeBook E Series LifeBook E Series Model E8310Navigating through the Setup Utility BIOS SETUP UTILITYEntering the BIOS Setup Utility Using the TrustedCore MenuI n f o M e n u Warning! Error message ContinueINFO MENU - DISPLAYS BASIC SYSTEM INFORMATION Table 1 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Info MenuTable 2 Fields, Options and Defaults for the System Menu SYSTEM MENU - SETTING STANDARD SYSTEM PARAMETERSOptions Auto The Drive0 submenu identifies what ATA devices are installedDrive0 Submenu of the System Menu Standard The Drive1 submenu allows you to configure secondary ATA devicesDrive1 Submenu of the System Menu DisabledExiting from System Menu Table 5 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Advanced Menu ADVANCED MENU - SETTING DEVICE FEATURE CONTROLSA d v a n c e d M e n u System Serial/Parallel Port Configuration Submenu of the Advanced MenuEnabled Description ESC Exit Keyboard/Mouse Features Submenu of the Advanced MenuVideo Features Video Features Submenu of the Advanced MenuThe Video Features submenu is for setting the display parameters Phoenix TrustedCoretm Setup UtilityInternal Device Configurations Submenu of the Advanced Menu CPU Features Submenu of the Advanced Menu USB Features Submenu of the Advanced Menu Exit Miscellaneous Configurations Submenu of the Advanced MenuDisabled SecurityEvent Logging Submenu of the Advanced Menu Disabled SECURITY MENU - SETTING THE SECURITY FEATURESExiting from the Security Menu Table 14 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Security MenuESC Exit Hard Disk Security Submenu of the Security MenuDescription Foreground Color Owner Information Submenu of the Security MenuGray EnterNo Change TPM Security Chip Setting Submenu of the Security MenuEnabled and Activated Figure 17. TPM Security Chip Setting SubmenuBoot Time Diagnostic Screen BOOT MENU - SELECTING THE OPERATING SYSTEM SOURCETable 18 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Boot Menu Info System Advanced Security Boot ExitExiting from Boot Menu Boot Device Priority Submenu of the Boot MenuSpace Change Values EXIT MENU - LEAVING THE SETUP UTILITYTable 20 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Exit Menu Info System Advanced Security Boot Exit