Chapter 33 Configuring Certificates
Local Certificate Authority
•Delete an existing Identity Certificate. See Delete a
Show Code-Signer Certificate Details
The Show Details button displays the Code Signer Details dialog box, which shows the following information about the selected certificate:
•Issued to— Displays the X.500 fields of the subject DN or certificate owner and their values. This applies only to available status.
Delete a Code-Signer Certificate
The Delete button immediately removes the selected Code Signer certificate configuration from the security appliance. Once you delete a configuration, it cannot be restored; to recreate the configuration, you must use the Import button to reenter the configuration information from the beginning
Note Once you delete a Code Signer configuration, it cannot be restored.
Import or Export a Code-Signer Certificate
Assign values to the fields in the Import Certificate window as follows:
•Decryption Passphrase: Specify the passphrase used to decrypt the PKCS12 file
•Files to Import From: You can type the pathname of the file in the box or you can click Browse and search for the file. Browse displays the Import Certificate dialog box, which lets you navigate to the file containing the certificate.
Assign values to the fields in the Export Certificate window as follows:
•Export to
•Certificate Format: Click PKCS12 format, the public key cryptography standard, which can be base64 encoded or hexadecimal, or click PEM format.
Local Certificate Authority
The Local Certificate Authority (CA) provides a secure configurable inhouse authority that resides the security appliance for certificate authentication.
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