Apple Cinema Display manual Apple Computer, Inc

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KApple Computer, Inc.

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Image 2 Apple Cinema Display manual Apple Computer, Inc
Contents Apple Cinema Display Apple Computer, Inc Contents Manual and service About Your Apple Cinema Display CongratulationsImportant Safety Instructions Setting Up Your Apple Cinema Display Set the display upright and extend the standPlug in the display’s power adapter Plug in the display’s DVI and USB connectorsWhat’s Next Press the monitor power buttonConnect a USB keyboard to the display, if desired At a Glance Installing the Apple Displays Software About Your Apple Displays SoftwareAdjusting the Display Finding AnswersTroubleshooting Power light flashes amber when an error has been detectedScreen image is blurry Safety Healthy Use of Your Computer EquipmentGeneral Maintenance Cleaning the Screen and CaseConserving Energy Do You Need to Install a Graphics Card?Protecting Your Display From Theft Technical InformationHeight 18.9 inches in mm Width 23.1 in mm Two self-powered USB ports supporting USB input devices Communications Regulation Information 034-0876-A